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F. BERTAUD, TAPIN-LINGUA, S., PIZZI, A., NAVARRETE, P., et PETIT-CONYL, M., « Development of green adhesives for fibreboard manufacturing, using tannins and lignin from pulp mill », Cellulose Chem Techn., vol. 46, nᵒ 7-8, 2012.
F. BERTAUD, TAPIN-LINGUA, S., PIZZI, A., NAVARRETE, P., et PETIT-CONYL, M., « Development of green adhesives for fibreboard manufacturing, using tannin and lignin from pulp mill residues », Cellul.Chem.Technol., vol. 46, nᵒ 7-8, 2012.
H. YEOH-BENG, YUEH-FENG, L., LUGMAN-ABD, C., IDRUS, J., PIZZI, A., TAHIR-PARIDAH, M. D., et HARUN, J., « Development of a new method for pilot scale production of high grade oil palm plywood: Effect of resin content on the mechanical properties, bonding quality and formaldehyde emission of palm plywood », Materials & Design, vol. 52, 2013.
M. BRENNAN, HEDLEY, P. E., TOPP, C. F. E., MORRIS, J., RAMSAY, L., MITCHELL, S., SHEPHERD, T., THOMAS, W. T. B., et HOAD, S. P., «  Development and Quality of Barley Husk Adhesion Correlates With Changes in Caryopsis Cuticle Biosynthesis and Composition  », FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE , vol. 10, 2019.
A. MOUBARIK, CHARRIER, B., ALLAL, A., CHARRIER, F., et PIZZI, A., « Development and optimisation of a new formaldehyde-free cornstarch and tannin adhesives.  », Holz Roh Werkstoff, vol. 68, nᵒ 2, 2010.
M. C. LAGEL, PIZZI, A., GIOVANDO, S., et CELZARD, A., « Development and characterization of phenolic foams with phenol-formaldehyde-chestnut tannins resin. », J. Renewable Mat., vol. 2, 2014.
M. C. LAGEL, PIZZI, A., BASSO, M. C., et ABDALLA, S., «  Development and characterization of abrasive grinding wheels with a tannin-furanic resins matrix  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 65, p. 343-348, 2015.
M. C. LAGEL, PIZZI, A., BASSO, M. C., et ABDALLA, S., « Development and characterisation of abrasive grinding wheels with a tannin-furanic resin matrix.  », Ind. Crops & Prod., 2014.
M. SHEIKHOLESLAMI, PIZZI, A., et MIRSHOKRAIE, A., «  Determination of reaction rate parameters for the acid copper chromate fixation reactions on oak (Quercus castaneifolia C. A. Mey) sapwood  », WOOD MATERIAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING , vol. 13, p. 1-6, 2018.
A. KHADHRI, BOUALI, I., AOUADHI, C., LAGEL, M. C., MASSON, E., et PIZZI, A., «  Determination of phenolic compounds by MALDI-TOF and essential oil composition by GC-MS during three development stages of Origanum majorana L.  », BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY , vol. 33, 2019.
B. BELLEVILLE, STEVANOVIC, T., SALENIKOVIC, A., PIZZI, A., CLOUTIER, A., et BLANCHET, P., « Determination of optimal wood welding parameters for two North American hardwood species », J.Adh.Sci.Technol, vol. 27, nᵒ 5-6, 2012.
M. SIMO-TAGNE, BENNAMOUN, L., LEONARD, A., et ROGAUME, Y., «  Determination and modeling of the isotherms of adsorption/desorption and thermodynamic properties of obeche and lotofa using nelson's sorption model  », HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER , vol. 55, p. 2185-2197, 2019.
J. FRANCOIS, ABDELOUAHED, L., MAUVIEL, G., PATISSON, F., MIRGAUX, O., ROGAUME, C., ROGAUME, Y., FEIDT, M., et DUFOUR, A., « Detailed process modeling of a wood gasification combined heat and power plant », Biomass & Bioenergy, vol. 51, 2013.
C. DELGADO-SANCHEZ, SANTIAGO-MEDINA, F. J., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., «  Destructive vs. non-destructive methods for the mechanical characterisation of tannin-based thermoset foams  », POLYMER TESTING , vol. 69, p. 332-339, 2018.
S. ZANNEN, ZOUARI, R., BEN-HASSEN, M., JEANMICHEL, L., et MOLINA, S., «  Design of high mechanical and thermal resistant composites using marine plant waste  », INDUSTRIA TEXTILA , vol. 69, p. 446-450, 2018.
J. COLIN, REMOND, R., et PERRE, P., «  Design and optimization of industrial woody biomass pretreatment addressed by DryKiln_CRP, a multiscale computational model: Particle, bed, and dryer levels  », DRYING TECHNOLOGY , vol. 34, p. 1820-1830, 2016.
N. MAHFOUDI, KHACHKOUCH, A., MOUMMI, A., BENHAOUA, B., et EL-GANAOUI, M., «  Design and characterization of a portable heat storage facility  », MECHANICS & INDUSTRY , vol. 16, 2015.
J. M. LEAN, MANSOURI, H. R., OMRANI, P., et PIZZI, A., « Dependence of dowel welding from rotation rate », Holz Roh Werkstoff, vol. 66, nᵒ 3, 2008.
K. IAYCH, PABON, M., GERARDIN, C., et GERARDIN, P., « Decay resistance of wood treated with fluorinated waterproofing agents », Holzforschung, vol. 64, 2010.
H. RAFIDIARISON, REMOND, R., et MOUGEL, E., « Dataset for validating 1-D heat and mass transfer models within building walls with hygroscopic materials », BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , vol. 89, p. 356-368, 2015.
