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M. LETELLIER, FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., « Tortuosity studies of cellular vitreous carbon foams.  », Carbon, vol. 80, 2014.
A. THUILLIER, CHIBANI, K., BELLI, G., HERRERO, E., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., KOHLER, A., DEROY, A., DHALLEINE, T., BCHINI, R., JACQUOT, J. P., GELHAYE, E., et MOREL-ROUHIER, M., « Transcriptomic responses of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to wood extractives: focus on a new glutathione transferase.  », Appl. Environ. Microbiol. , vol. 80, nᵒ 20, 2014.
Y. FOO-WONG, MAKAHLEH, A., SAAD, B., MOHAMAD-IBRAHIM, M. N., RAHIM, A. A., et BROSSE, N., « UPLC method for the determination of vitamin E homologue and derivatives in vegetable oils, margarines and supplement capsules using pentafluorophenyl column », Talanta, vol. 130, 2014.
S. AMIROU, ZHANG, J., PIZZI, A., ESSAWY, H., ZERIZER, A., LI, J., et DELMOTTE, L., « Utilization of hydrophilic/hydrophobic Hyperbranched Poly(amidoamines)s additives fort melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF) adhesives. », Polymer Composites, 2014.
V. MAURIN, CROUTXE-BARGHORN, C., ALLONAS, X., BRENDLE, J., BESSIERE, J., MERLIN, A., et MASSON, E., « UV powder coatings containing synthetic Ag-beidellite for antibacterial properties », Appled Clay Sciences, vol. 96, 2014.
A. PETRISSANS, YOUNSI, R., CHAOUCH, M., GERARDIN, P., et PETRISSANS, M., « Wood thermodegradation: experimental analysis and modeling of mass loss kinetics », Maderas-Cienc Tecnol, vol. 16, nᵒ 2, 2014.
M. A. ZENASNI, BENFARHI, S., MERLIN, A., MOLINA, S., GEORGE, B., et MEROUFEL, B., « Adsorption of zinc in aqueous solution onto natural maghnite modified by 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane », Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, vol. 6, nᵒ 3, 2015.
R. DJEDJIG, BOZONNET, E., et BELARBI, R., «  Analysis of thermal effects of vegetated envelopes: Integration of a validated model in a building energy simulation program  », ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , vol. 86, p. 93-103, 2015.
S. ABDALLA, PIZZI, A., BAHABRI, F., et GANASH, A., «  Analysis of Valonia Oak (Quercus aegylops) Acorn Tannin and Wood Adhesives Application  », BIORESOURCES , vol. 10, p. 7165-7177, 2015.
F. S. OUESLATI, BENNACER, R., et EL-GANAOUI, M., «  Analytical and numerical solution to the convection problem in a shallow cavity filled with two immiscible superposed fluids  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES , vol. 90, p. 303-310, 2015.
N. KONAI, PIZZI, A., RAIDANDI, D., LAGEL, M. C., L’HOSTIS, C., SAIDOU, C., HAMIDO, A., ABDALLA, S., BAHABRI, F., et GANASH, A., « Aningre tannin extract characterisation and performance as an adhesive resin », Ind. Crop. Prod, vol. 77, p. 225–231 , 2015.
M. H. HUSSIN, MOHD-SHAH, A., RAHIM, A. A., MOHAMAD-IBRAHIM, M. N., PERRIN, D., et BROSSE, N., « Antioxidant and anti corrosive properties of oil palm frond lignins extracted with different techniques.  », Ann. Forest Sc. , vol. 72, nᵒ 1, 2015.
C. LACOSTE, COP, M., KEMPPAINEN, K., GIOVANDO, S., PIZZI, A., LABORIE, M. P., SERNEK, M., et CELZARD, A., «  Biobased foams from condensed tannin extracts from Norway spruce (Picea abies) bark  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 73, p. 144-153, 2015.
A. DUFOUR, CELZARD, A., FIERRO, V., BROUST, F., COURSON, C., ZOULALIAN, A., et ROUZAUD, J. N., «  Catalytic conversion of methane over a biomass char for hydrogen production: deactivation and regeneration by steam gasification  », APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL , vol. 490, p. 170-180, 2015.
Y. ELMAY, LE-BRECH, Y., DELMOTTE, L., DUFOUR, A., BROSSE, N., et GADIOU, R., «  Characterization of Miscanthus pyrolysis by DRIFTs, UV Raman spectroscopy and mass spectrometry  », JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS , vol. 113, p. 402-411, 2015.
S. BEN-MAHMOUD, SAAD, H., CHARRIER, B., PIZZI, A., RODE, K., AYED, N., et CHARRIER-EL-BOUHTOURY, F., «  Characterization of sumac (Rhus tripartitum) root barks tannin for a potential use in wood adhesives formulation  », WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , vol. 49, p. 205-221, 2015.
M. COP, GOSPODARIC, B., KEMPPAINEN, K., GIOVANDO, S., LABORIE, M. P., PIZZI, A., et SERNEK, M., «  Characterization of the curing process of mixed pine and spruce tannin-based foams by different methods  », EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL , vol. 69, p. 29-37, 2015.
M. BOUMEDIENE, BENAÏSSA, H., GEORGE, B., MOLINA, S., et MERLIN, A., « Characterization of two cellulosic waste material (orange and almonde peels) and their use for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions  », Maderas Ciencia y tecnologia, vol. 17, nᵒ 1, 2015.
R. NAIMA, OUMAM, M., HANNACHE, H., SESBOU, A., CHARRIER, B., PIZZI, A., et EL-BOUHTOURY, F. C., «  Comparison of the impact of different extraction methods on polyphenols yields and tannins extracted from Moroccan Acacia mollissima barks  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 70, p. 245-252, 2015.
M. C. LAGEL, ZHANG, J., et PIZZI, A., «  Cutting and grinding wheels for angle grinders with a bioresin matrix  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 67, p. 264-269, 2015.
H. RAFIDIARISON, REMOND, R., et MOUGEL, E., « Dataset for validating 1-D heat and mass transfer models within building walls with hygroscopic materials », BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , vol. 89, p. 356-368, 2015.
N. MAHFOUDI, KHACHKOUCH, A., MOUMMI, A., BENHAOUA, B., et EL-GANAOUI, M., «  Design and characterization of a portable heat storage facility  », MECHANICS & INDUSTRY , vol. 16, 2015.
M. C. LAGEL, PIZZI, A., BASSO, M. C., et ABDALLA, S., «  Development and characterization of abrasive grinding wheels with a tannin-furanic resins matrix  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 65, p. 343-348, 2015.
J. ZHANG, PIZZI, A., LAGEL, M. C., DU, G., ZHOU, X., et WANG, H., « Dielectric barrier discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure to enhance pine wood surfaces hydrophilic character and adhesion properties », Wood Research, vol. 60 , nᵒ 5, 2015.
M. COP, LACOSTE, C., CONRADI, M., LABORIE, M. P., PIZZI, A., et SERNEK, M., « The effect of the composition of spruce and pine tannin-based foams on their physical, morphological and compression properties », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, vol. 74, p. 158-164, 2015.
