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Journal Article
Q. KLEINDIENST, BESSERER, A., ANTOINE, M. L., PERRIN, C., BOCQUET, J. F., et BLÉRON, L., «  Predicting the beech wood decay and strength loss in-ground  », INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION , vol. 123, p. 96-105, 2017.
C. GANNE-CHEDEVILLE, DUCHANOIS, G., PIZZI, A., LEBAN, J. M., et PICHELIN, F., « Predicting the thermal behaviour of wood during linear welding using the finite element method », J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., vol. 22, 2008.
C. CAEL, DESHARNAIS, L., DUMARCAY, S., STEBE, M. J., DELAGOUTTE, T., KLEM, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Prediction of breaks caused by lipophilic extractives using on-line turbidity measurement », Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 27, nᵒ 5, 2012.
Z. SUSTERSIC, MOHAREB, A., CHAOUCH, M., PETRISSANS, M., PETRIC, M., et GERARDIN, P., « Prediction of decay resistance of heat treated wood on the basis of its elemental composition.  », Polymer Degradation and Stability, vol. 95, 2010.
M. BOUMEDIENE, BENAÏSSA, H., GEORGE, B., MOLINA, S., et MERLIN, A., « Preliminary study on zinc ion removal form synthetic aqueous solutions using hard almond peel as a low-cost sorbent material. », Mor. J. Chem. , vol. 2, nᵒ 5, 2014.
S. ABDALLA, PIZZI, A., AL-GHAMDI, M. A., et ALWAFI, R., «  Preparation and characterization of bio resin natural tannin/poly (vinylidene fluoride): A high dielectric performance nano-composite for electrical storage  », CHEMICAL PHYSICS , vol. 494, p. 61-71, 2017.
X. Y. CHEN, XI, X. D., PIZZI, A., FREDON, E., ZHOU, X. J., LI, J. X., GERARDIN, C., et DU, G. B., «  Preparation and Characterization of Condensed Tannin Non-Isocyanate Polyurethane (NIPU) Rigid Foams by Ambient Temperature Blowing  », POLYMERS, vol. 12, 2020.
J. ZHANG, LUO, H., PIZZI, A., DU, G., et DENG, S., «  Preparation and Characterization of Grinding Wheels Based on a Bioresin Matrix and Glass Sand Abrasives  », BIORESOURCES , vol. 10, p. 5369-5380, 2015.
A. H. FARIS, IBRAHIM, M. N. M., RAHIM, A. A., HUSSIN, M. H., et BROSSE, N., « Preparation and Characterization of Lignin Polyols from the Residues of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch », BIORESOURCES, vol. 10, p. 7339-7352, 2015.
X. D. XI, PIZZI, A., GERARDIN, C., LEI, H., CHEN, X. Y., et AMIROU, S., «  Preparation and Evaluation of Glucose Based Non-Isocyanate Polyurethane Self-Blowing Rigid Foams  », POLYMERS, vol. 11, 2019.
M. LETELLIER, SZCZUREK, A., BASSO, M. C., PIZZI, A., FIERRO, V., FERRY, O., et CELZARD, A., «  Preparation and structural characterisation of model cellular vitreous carbon foams  », CARBON, vol. 112, p. 208-218, 2017.
A. AISSA, SLIMANI, M. E. A., MEBAREK-OUDINA, F., FARES, R., ZAIM, A., KOLSI, L., SAHNOUN, M., et EL-GANAOUI, M., «  Pressure-Driven Gas Flows in Micro Channels with a Slip Boundary: A Numerical Investigation  », FDMP-FLUID DYNAMICS & MATERIALS PROCESSING , vol. 16, p. 147-159, 2020.
N. BROSSE, SANNIGRAHI, P., et RAGAUSKAS, A., « Pretreatment of Miscanthus x giganteus using the ethanol organosolv process for ethanol production. », Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 48, 2009.
M. ASAD, MENANA, Z., ZIEGLER-DEVIN, I., BERT, V., CHALOT, M., HERZIG, R., MENCH, M., et BROSSE, N., «  Pretreatment of trace element-enriched biomasses grown on phytomanaged soils for bioethanol production  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 107, p. 63-72, 2017.
B. BELLEVILLE, STEVANOVIC, T., CLOUTIER, A., PIZZI, A., SALENIKOVICH, A., et BLANCHET, P., « Production and properties of wood welded panels made from two canadian hardwoods », Wood Sci.Technol., vol. 47, nᵒ 5, 2013.
M. H. HUSSIN, SAMAD, N. A., ABD-LATIF, N. H., ROZULI, N. A., YUSOFF, S. B., GAMBIER, F., et BROSSE, N., «  Production of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) fronds lignin-derived non-toxic aldehyde for eco-friendly wood adhesive  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES , vol. 113, p. 1266-1272, 2018.
F. J. SANTIAGO-MEDINA, TENORIO-ALFONSO, A., DELGADO-SANCHEZ, C., BASSO, M. C., PIZZI, A., CELZARD, A., FIERRO, V., SANCHEZ, M. C., et FRANCO, J. M., «  Projectable tannin foams by mechanical and chemical expansion  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 120, p. 90-96, 2018.
F. BEZZAOUCHA, LOCHON, P., JONCQUIERE, A., AINAD-TABET, D., BREMBILLA, A., et FISCHER, A., « Properties of new cationic amphiphilic polymers in hydro-alcoholic media », Polymer International, vol. 58, nᵒ 12, 2009.
H. YOUNESI-KORDKHEILI et PIZZI, A., «  Properties of plywood panels bonded with ionic liquid-modified lignin-phenol-formaldehyde resin  », JOURNAL OF ADHESION , vol. 94, p. 143-154, 2018.
S. COSGUN, ELIK, S. Ü. Ç., ZDEN, S. Ö., TÜYSÜZ, S., BOZKURT, A., et GERARDIN-CHARBONNIER, C., « Proton conductivity properties of acid doped fluoroalkylated 1,2,3-triazole. », Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, vol. 131, nᵒ 7, 2010.
A. Merabtine, Benelmir, R., et EL-GANAOUI, M., « Pseudo-bond graph model for the analysis of the thermal behavior of buildings thermal science. », Journal of Thermal Science, vol. 17, nᵒ 3, 2013.
R. FOUMET, LACROIX, R., et MARQUAIRE, P. - M., « Pyrolysis of propane for CVI of pyrocarbon. Part IV : Main pathways involved in pyrocarbon deposit Ziegler-Devin », Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 104, 2013.
P. GIRODS, DUFOUR, A., ROGAUME, Y., ROGAUME, C., et ZOULALIAN, A., « Pyrolysis of wood waste containing urea-formaldehyde and melamine-formaldehyde resins », Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 1, nᵒ 1, 2008.
M. BRENNAN, PATERSON, L., BAHARUDIN, A. A. A., STANISZ-MIGAL, M., et HOEBE, P. N., «  The quality of barley husk-caryopsis adhesion is not correlated with caryopsis cuticle permeability  », JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY , vol. 243, 2019.
Z. KEBBI-BENKEDER, COLIN, F., DUMARCAY, S., et GERARDIN, P., « Quantification and characterization of knotwood extractives of 12 European softwood and hardwood species », Ann. For. Sci, vol. 72(2), p. 277-284, 2015.
