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Filtres: Auteur is Y. ROGAUME  [Clear All Filters]
J. FRANCOIS, ABDELOUAHED, L., MAUVIEL, G., PATISSON, F., MIRGAUX, O., ROGAUME, C., ROGAUME, Y., FEIDT, M., et DUFOUR, A., « Detailed process modeling of a wood gasification combined heat and power plant », Biomass & Bioenergy, vol. 51, 2013.
A. NICOLLIN, LI, X., GIRODS, P., PIZZI, A., et ROGAUME, Y., « Fast pressing composite using tannin-furfuryl alcohol resin and vegetal fibers reinforcement », J.Renewable Mat., vol. 1, nᵒ 4, 2013.
P. NAVARETTE, KEBBI, Z., MICHENOT, F., LEMONON, J., ROGAUME, C., MASSON, E., ROGAUME, Y., et PIZZI, A., « Formaldehyde and VOCs emissions from bio-particleboards », Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, vol. 27, nᵒ 7, 2013.
J. FRANCOIS, MAUVIEL, G., FEIDT, M., ROGAUME, C., ROGAUME, Y., MIRGAUX, O., PATISSON, F., et DUFOUR, A., « Modeling of a Biomass Gasification CHP Plant: Influence of Various Parameters on Energetic and Exergetic Efficiencies », Energy & Fuels, vol. 27, nᵒ 12, 2013.
J. P. B. KARAMA, BERE, A., LEMONON, J., DAHO, T., DISSA, A., ROGAUME, Y., et KOULIDIATI, J., « modeling of chloride of hydrogen and free chloride emission form thermal treatment of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) based plastic materials.  », Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 101, 2013.
J. LEMONON, GIRODS, P., ROGAUME, C., ZOULALIAN, A., ROGAUME, Y., et PERRIN, D., « Nitrogen removal from wood laminated flooring waste by low-temperature pyrolysis. », Waste Biomass Valor., 2013.
M. KHELIFA, KHENNANE, A., M. GANAOUI, E., et ROGAUME, Y., « Analysis of the behaviour of multiple dowel connections in fire. », Fire Safety Journal, 2014.
M. DEBAL, GIRODS, P., LEMONON, J., MEYER, N., TILLOY, C., DONNOT, A., et ROGAUME, Y., « CO2 adsorption capacities of active chars prepared from wood laminated flooring wate », International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics, 2014.
B. CADILLE, TOPIN, F., GIRODS, P., VICENTE, J., TADRIST, L., et ROGAUME, Y., « Experimental characterization of particle evolution size and density by thermal treatment: application to DEM model of biomass pyrolysis. », Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2014.
N. BILOT, SAINT-ANDRE, L., ROGAUME, Y., FOURNIER, M., DUPONT, C., et DELEUZE, C., « How to determine energy of wood from nutrient analysis?  », Chemical Engineering Transaction, vol. 37, 2014.
A. QUINTERO-MARQUEZ, BERNARD, C., ZOULALIAN, A., et ROGAUME, Y., « Improving the Operation of an Automatic Wood Chip Boiler by Optimizing CO Emissions », Energy & Fuels, vol. 28, nᵒ 3, 2014.
M. SIMO-TAGNE, ROGAUME, Y., et ZOULALIAN, A., « Modeling and simulation of the drying of beech timber (Fagus Sylvatica) using oscillating regimes.  », International Journal of Thermal and Environmental Engineering, vol. 8, nᵒ 5, 2014.
M. SIMO-TAGNE, REMOND, R., ROGAUME, Y., et ZOULALIAN, A., « Modeling of the coupled heat and mass transfer during the drying of the tropical woods coming from Cameroon : the cas of Lotofa and Sapelle.  », International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. , vol. 4, nᵒ 4, 2014.
N. BILOT, SAINT-ANDRE, L., ROGAUME, Y., BRECHET, C., AUGUSTO, L., DUPOND, C., BODINEAU, G., et DELEUZE, C., « Predicting higher heating values of wood from forest biomass nutrient content.  », Forest Ecology and Management , 2014.
B. CLUET, MAUVIEL, G., ROGAUME, Y., AUTHIER, O., et DELABARRE, A., « Segregation of wood particles in a bubbling fuidized bed. », Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 133, 2014.
M. DEBAL, GIRODS, P., LEMONON, J., et ROGAUME, Y., « TG-FTIR kinetic study of the thermal cleaning of wood laminated flooring waste.  », Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 118, nᵒ 1, 2014.
