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P. LAN, EL-HAGE, R., PIZZI, A., DING-GUO, Z., et BROSSE, N., « . Extraction of polyphenolics from lignocellulosic materials and agricultural byproducts for the conception of resin for wood adhesives », J. Biobased Mater Bioenergy. , vol. 5, nᵒ 4.
I. TAHRI, DEVIN, I. Z., RUELLE, J., SEGOVIA, C., et BROSSE, N., «  Extraction and Characterization of Fibers from Palm Tree  », BIORESOURCES , vol. 11, p. 7016-7025, 2016.
B. BENAMAR, DONNOT, A., et RIGO, M. O., « Experimental study of wood dust precipitation in a wire-cylinder electrostatic precipitator », International Journal of Energy, Enrivonment, and Economics, 2011.
R. DJEDJIG, BELARBI, R., et BOZONNET, E., «  Experimental study of green walls impacts on buildings in summer and winter under an oceanic climate  », ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , vol. 150, p. 403-411, 2017.
K. TALBI, NEMOUCHI, Z., DONNOT, A., et BELGHAR, N., « An experimental study and a numerical simulation of the turbulent flow under the vortex finder of a cyclone separator. », Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, vol. 4, nᵒ 1, 2011.
B. O. U. A. Z. I. Z. N., D., L. O. U. N. I. S. S. I., L., K. A. I. R. O. U. A. N. I., et M., E. - G. A. N. A. O. U. I., « Exergetic Analyses of a Particular Absorption Cooling System », Defect and Diffusion Forum, vol. 326-328, 2012.
F. MBURU, DUMARCAY, S., et GERARDIN, P., « Evidence of fungicidal and termicidal properties of Prunus africana heartwood extractives », Holzforschung, vol. 61, 2007.
G. NGUILA-INARI, MOUNGUENGUI, S., DUMARCAY, S., PETRISSANS, M., et GERARDIN, P., « Evidence of char formation during heat treatment by mild pyrolysis », Polymer Degradation and Stability, vol. 92, nᵒ 6, 2007.
F. MBURU, DUMARCAY, S., HUBER, F., PETRISSANS, M., et GERARDIN, P., « Evaluation of thermally modified Grevillea robusta heartwood as an alternative to shortage of wood resource in Kenya : characterisation of physicochemical properties and improvement of bio-resistance », Bioresource Technology, vol. 98, 2007.
J. DAMAY, FREDON, E., LEMMENS, P., et GERARDIN, P., « Evaluation of axial impregnation as an alternative to classical wood vacuum pressure impregnation method. », Maderas-Cienc Tecnol, vol. 17(4), p. 883 - 892, 2015.
I. G. AUDU, BROSSE, N., DESHARNAIS, L., et RAKSHIT, S. K., « Ethanol organosolv pretreatment of Typha Capensis for bio-ethanol production and co-products  », BioRessources, vol. 7, nᵒ 4, 2012.
H. LEI, PIZZI, A., et DU, G., « Environment-friendly, mixed tannin/lignin wood resins », J. Appl. Polymer Sci., vol. 107, nᵒ 1, 2008.
X. ZHOU, PIZZI, A., et DU, G., « Enhancing particleboard adhesives performance by glutaraldehyde addition », European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, vol. 71, nᵒ 1, 2013.
J. CUI, LU, X., ZHOU, X., CHRUSCIEL, L., DENG, Y., ZHOU, H., ZHU, S., et BROSSE, N., « Enhancement of mechanical strength of environmentally friendly Pinus tannins adhesives for particleboards production using cellulose nanofibers. », Ann. Forest Sc., vol. 72, nᵒ 1, p. 27-32, 2015.
J. CUI, LU, X., ZHOU, X., CHRUSCIEL, L., DENG, Y., ZHOU, H., ZHU, S., et BROSSE, N., « Enhancement of Mechanical Strength of Environmentally Friendly Pinus Tannins Adhesives for Particleboard Production using Cellulose Nanofibers », Ann. Forest Sc., 2014.
R. BENELMIR, GHILEN, N., EL-GANAOUI, M., DESCIEUX, D., et GABSI, S., « Energy Tri-generation : combined gas cogeneration/Solar Cooling », International Journal of Thermal and Environmental Engineering, vol. 7, nᵒ 2, 2014.
R. BENELMIR, MERABTINE, A., et DESCIEUX, D., « Energy Tri-Generation: Combined Gas Cogeneration/Solar Cooling », Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, vol. 4, nᵒ 2, 2012.
H. M. ALI, URBINATI, G., CHAPUIS, H., DESMAELE, D., BERTRAND, J. R., COUVREUR, P., et MASSAAD-MASSAADE, L., « Effects of siRNA on RET/PTC3 junction oncogene in papillary thyroid carcinoma : from molecular and cellular studies to preclinical investigations. », PLoS ONE, vol. 9, nᵒ 4, 2014.
H. - M. ALI, URBINATI, G., CHAPUIS, H., DESMAELE, D., BERTRAND, J. - R., COUVREUR, P., et MASSAAD-MASSADE, L., « Effects of siRNA on RET/PTC3 junction oncogene in papillary thyroid carcinoma: from molecular and cellular studies to preclinical investigations. », PLoS ONE, vol. 9, nᵒ 4, 2014.
H. - M. ALI, URBINATI, G., CHAPUIS, H., DESMAELE, D., RAOUANE, M., YASUHIRO, H., HARASHIMA, H., COUVREUR, P., et MASSAAD-MASSADE, L., « Effects of silencing the RET/PTC1 oncogene in papillary thyroid carcinoma by siRNA-squalene nanoparticles with and without fusogenic companion GALA-Cholesterol. », Thyroid, vol. 24, nᵒ 2, 2014.
H. M. ALI, MAKSIMENKO, A., URBINATI, G., CHAPUIS, H., RAOUANE, M., DESMAELE, D., YASUHIRO, H., HARASHIMA, H., COUVREUR, P., et MASSAAD-MASSAADE, L., « Effects of silencing RET-PTC1 oncogene in papillary thyroid carcinoma by siRNA-squalene nanoparticles with and without fusogenic companion GALA-Cholesterol », Thyroid, vol. 24, nᵒ 2, 2014.
M. K. DAZMIRI, KIAMAHALLEH, M. V., DORIEH, A., et PIZZI, A., «  Effect of the initial F/U molar ratio in urea-formaldehyde resins synthesis and its influence on the performance of medium density fiberboard bonded with them  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES , vol. 95, 2019.
M. K. DAZMIRI, KIAMAHALLEH, M. V., DORIEH, A., et PIZZI, A., «  Effect of the initial F/U molar ratio in urea-formaldehyde resins synthesis and its influence on the performance of medium density fiberboard bonded with them  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES , vol. 95, 2019.
