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S. BOUKHANOUF, LOUAILECHE, H., et PERRIN, D., «  Phytochemical content and in vitro antioxidant activity of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) as affected by maturity stage and cooking practice  », INTERNATIONAL FOOD RESEARCH JOURNAL , vol. 23, p. 954-961, 2016.
D. TRACHE, DONNOT, A., KHIMECHE, K., BENELMIR, R., et BROSSE, N., « Physico-chemical properties and thermal stability of microcrystalline cellulose isolated from Alfa fibres », Carbohydrate polymer, vol. 104, 2014.
D. TRACHE, DONNOT, A., KHIMECHE, K., BENELMIR, R., et BROSSE, N., « Physico-chemical properties and thermal stability of microcrystalline cellulose isolated from Alfa fibres », Carbohydrate polymer, vol. 104, 2014.
D. TRACHE, DONNOT, A., KHIMECHE, K., BENELMIR, R., et BROSSE, N., « Physico-chemical properties and thermal stability of microcrystalline cellulose isolated from Alfa fibres », Carbonhydrate polymers. , vol. 104, 2014.
D. TRACHE, DONNOT, A., KHIMECHE, K., BENELMIR, R., et BROSSE, N., « Physico-chemical properties and thermal stability of microcrystalline cellulose isolated from Alfa fibres », Carbonhydrate polymers. , vol. 104, 2014.
M. H. HUSSIN, POHAN, N. A., GARBA, Z. N., KASSIM, M. J., RAHIM, A. A., BROSSE, N., YEMLOUL, M., FAZITA, M. R. N., et HAAFIZ, M. K. M., «  Physicochemical of microcrystalline cellulose from oil palm fronds as potential methylene blue adsorbents  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES , vol. 92, p. 11-19, 2016.
M. - H. HUSSIN, AFIDAH-ABDUL, R., MOHAMAD-NASIR, M. - I., et BROSSE, N., « Physicochemical characterization of alkaline and ethanol organosolv lignins from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) fronds as phenol substitutes for green material applications », Ind crops prod, vol. 49, 2013.
Y. BENG-HOONG, PIZZI, A., ABDCHUAH, L., et HARUN, J., « Phenol-urea-formaldehyde resin co-polymer synthesis and its influence on elaeis palm trunk plywood mechanical performance evaluated by 13C-NMR and maldi-tof mass spectrometry, », , Int. J. Adhesion Adhesives, vol. 63, p. 117-123, 2015.
M. OUDJENE et BEN-AYED, L., « On the parametrical study of clinch joining of metallic sheets using the Taguchi method », Engineering Structures, vol. 30, nᵒ 6, 2008.
S. BAHRIA, AMIRAT, M., HAMIDAT, A., EL-GANAOUI, M., et SLIMANI, M. E., «  Parametric study of solar heating and cooling systems in different climates of Algeria - A comparison between conventional and high-energy-performance buildings  », ENERGY, vol. 113, p. 521-535, 2016.
M. SCHWEIGLER, BADER, T. K., HOCHREINER, G., et LEMAITRE, R., «  Parameterization equations for the nonlinear connection slip applied to the anisotropic embedment behavior of wood  », COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING , vol. 142, p. 142-158, 2018.
V. CENUSA, BENELMIR, R., et MERABTINE, A., « Overview on gas turbines and combined cycles with NOx reduction consideration », International Journal of Energy Environment and Economics, vol. 20, nᵒ 3, 2012.
A. DUFOUR, CASTRO-DIAZ, M., BROSSE, N., BOUROUKB, M., et SNAPE, C., « Origin of molecular mobility during biomass pyrolysis as revealed by in situ 1H 1NMR analysis », ChemSusChem, vol. 5, 2012.
A. DUFOUR, CASTRO-DIAZ, M., BROSSE, N., BOUROUKB, M., et SNAPE, C., « Origin of molecular mobility during biomass pyrolysis as revealed by in situ 1H 1NMR analysis », ChemSusChem, vol. 5, 2012.
N. BROSSE, HUSSIN, M. H., et RAHIM, A. A., «  Organosolv Processes  », in BIOREFINERIES, vol. 166, 2019, p. 153-176.
B. BELLEVILLE, AMIROU, S., PIZZI, A., et OZARSKA, B., «  Optimization of Wood Welding Parameters for Australian Hardwood Species  », BIORESOURCES , vol. 12, p. 1007-1014, 2017.
M. BRAHIM, GAMBIER, F., et BROSSE, N., « Optimization of polyphenols extraction from grape residues in water medium », Ind Crops Prod, vol. 52, 2014.
M. BRAHIM, GAMBIER, F., et BROSSE, N., « Optimization of polyphenols extraction from grape residues in water medium », Ind Crops Prod, vol. 52, 2014.
J. J. LIAO, BROSSE, N., HOPPE, S., DU, G., ZHOU, X. J., et PIZZI, A., «  One-step compatibilization of poly(lactic acid) and tannin via reactive extrusion  », MATERIALS & DESIGN , vol. 191, 2020.
E. M. MEGHLAT, OUDJENE, M., AIT-AIDER, H., et BATOZ, J. L., « A one-dimentional 4-node shear-flexible beam element for beam-to-solid modeling in mechanically jointed connections made with screws or nails », e-Book Full Papers, 2012.
M. BRENNAN, FAKHARUZI, D., et HARRIS, P. J., «  Occurrence of fucosylated and non-fucosylated xyloglucans in the cell walls of monocotyledons: An immunofluorescence study  », PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY , vol. 139, p. 428-434, 2019.
