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C. LACOSTE, BASSO, C., PIZZI, A., LABORIE, M. - P., et CELZARD, A., « Pine tannin-based rigid foams: mechanical and thermal properties », Ind.Crops & Prod., vol. 43, nᵒ 245-250, 2013.
B. BELLEVILLE, STEVANOVIC, T., CLOUTIER, A., PIZZI, A., SALENIKOVICH, A., et BLANCHET, P., « Production and properties of wood welded panels made from two canadian hardwoods », Wood Sci.Technol., vol. 47, nᵒ 5, 2013.
B. BELLEVILLE, STEVANOVIC, T., CLOUTIER, A., PIZZI, A., SALENIKOVICH, A., et BLANCHET, P., « Production and properties of wood welded panels made from two canadian hardwoods », Wood Sci.Technol., vol. 47, nᵒ 5, 2013.
A. Merabtine, Benelmir, R., et EL-GANAOUI, M., « Pseudo-bond graph model for the analysis of the thermal behavior of buildings thermal science. », Journal of Thermal Science, vol. 17, nᵒ 3, 2013.
J. CHANDANA-ABEYWICKRAMA, YAKINDRA-TIMILSENA, P., SUDIT-RAKSHIT, K., BROSSE, N., et CHRUSCIEL, L., « Rapid optimization of Typha grass organosolv pretreatments using parallel microwave reactors for ethanol production », Ind Eng Chem Res, vol. 52, nᵒ 4, 2013.
B. MEROUFEL, BENALI, O., BENYAHIA, M., ZENASNI, M. D. A., MERLIN, A., et GEORGE, B., « Removal of Zn(II) from Aqueous Solution onto Kaolin by Batch Design », Journal of Water Resource and Protection, vol. 5, 2013.
B. MEROUFEL, BENALI, O., BENYAHIA, M., ZENASNI, M. D. A., MERLIN, A., et GEORGE, B., « Removal of Zn(II) from Aqueous Solution onto Kaolin by Batch Design », Journal of Water Resource and Protection, vol. 5, 2013.
B. MEROUFEL, BENALI, O., BENYAHIA, M., ZENASNI, M. D. A., MERLIN, A., et GEORGE, B., « Removal of Zn(II) from Aqueous Solution onto Kaolin by Batch Design », Journal of Water Resource and Protection, vol. 5, 2013.
B. MEROUFEL, BENALI, O., BENYAHIA, M., ZENASNI, M. D. A., MERLIN, A., et GEORGE, B., « Removal of Zn(II) from Aqueous Solution onto Kaolin by Batch Design », Journal of Water Resource and Protection, vol. 5, 2013.
A. DUFOUR, WENG, J., JIA, L., TANG, X., FOURNET, R., BROSSE, N., SIRJEAN, B., MAUVIEL, G., et QI, F., « Revealing the chemistry of biomass thermal conversion by means of tunable synchrotron ionisation - mass spectrometry », RCS Advances, vol. 3, 2013.
Y. MATHIEU, GELHAYE, E., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., HARVENGT, L., et BUEE, M., « Selection and validation of enzymatic activities as functional markers in wood biotechnology and fungal ecology », Journal of Microbiological Methods , vol. 92, 2013.
V. MAURIN, ALLONAS, X., CROUTXE-BARGHORN, C., BESSIERES, J., et BESSIERES, J., « Shorter chains make stronger links- Monomers enhance crosslinkling of UV-cured powders for wood coating. », European Coatings Journal, vol. 2, 2013.
V. MAURIN, ALLONAS, X., CROUTXE-BARGHORN, C., BESSIERES, J., et BESSIERES, J., « Shorter chains make stronger links- Monomers enhance crosslinkling of UV-cured powders for wood coating. », European Coatings Journal, vol. 2, 2013.
M. A. ZENASNI, MEROUFEL, B., BENFARHI, S., CHEHIMI, M., MOLINA, S., GEORGE, B., RAGOUBI, M., et MERLIN, A., « Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole/maghnite nanocomposites by in situ intercalative polymerization.  », International Journal of Chemistry, vol. 2, nᵒ 3, 2013.
M. C. BASSO, GIOVANDO, S., PIZZI, A., CELZARD, A., et FIERRO, V., « Tannin/furanic foams without blowing agents and formaldehyde », Ind.Crops & Prods., vol. 49, 2013.
J. BESSIERES, MAURIN, V., GEORGE, B., MOLINA, S., MASSON, E., et MERLIN, A., « Wood-coating layer studies by X-ray imaging », Wood Science and Technology, vol. 47, nᵒ 4, 2013.
M. A. ZENASNI, BENFARHI, S., MERLIN, A., MOLINA, S., GEORGE, B., et MEROUFEL, B., « Adsorption of Cu(II) on maghnite from aqueous solution: Effects of pH, initial concentration, interaction time and temperature », Natural Science, vol. 4, nᵒ 11, 2012.
F. S. OUESLATI, BENNACER, R., SAMMOUDA, H., et El-GANAOUI, M., « Analytical and Numerical solutions for natural convection in a shallow cavity filled with two immiscible fluids : shear stress action », Numerical Heat Transfer, vol. 62, nᵒ 8, 2012.
S. MOKRAOUI, MERABTINE, A., BENELMIR, R., et LARAQI, N., « Bond Graph Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Transient Heat Conduction in the Prospect of Energy Building Applicatio », International Journal of Energy Environment and Economics, vol. 20, nᵒ 1, 2012.
A. MERABTINE, MOKRAOUI, S., BENELMIR, R., et LARAQI, N., « A Bond Graph Model Validation of an experimental single zone building », Journal of Fluid Dynamic and Material Process (FDMP), vol. 8, nᵒ 2, 2012.
Y. MATHIEU, PROSPER, P., BUEE, M., DUMARCAY, S., FAVIER, F., GELHAYE, E., GERARDIN, P., HARVENGT, L., JACQUOT, J. - P., et LAMANT, T., « Characterization of a Phanerochaete chrysosporium Glutathione Transferase Reveals a Novel Structural and Functional Class with Ligandin Properties », Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 287, 2012.
X. LI, BASSO, M. C., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., « Chemical modification of tannin/furanic rigid foams by isocyanates and polyurethanes », Maderas, vol. 14, nᵒ 3, 2012.
P. OBAMA, RICOCHON, G., MUNIGLIA, L., et BROSSE, N., « Combination enzymatic hydrolysis and ethanol organosolv pretreatments : effect on lignin structures, delignification yields and cellulose-to-glucose conversion  », Bioressources Technology, vol. 112, 2012.
A. MERABTINE, MOKRAOUI, S., BENELMIR, R., et DESCIEUX, D., « A Comparative Modeling of an Experimental Single-Zone Building with Bond Graphs and TRNSYS », International Journal of Energy Environment and Economics, vol. 20, nᵒ 1, 2012.
S. D. BAKHKHAT, DONNOT, A., HAKAM, A., PERRIN, D., RIGO, M. O., DUMARCAY, S., MERLIN, A., et HAMOUTAHRA, Z., « Comparison of woods extractives coming from species commonly used in manufactures of wood », Oriental Journal of Chemistry, vol. 28, nᵒ 1, 2012.
