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R. DJEDJIG, EL-GANAOUI, M., BELARBI, R., et BENNACER, R., «  Thermal effects of an innovative green wall on building energy performance  », MECHANICS & INDUSTRY , vol. 18, 2017.
M. MOUSSA, EL-HAGE, R., SONNIER, R., CHRUSCIEL, L., ZIEGLER-DEVIN, I., et BROSSE, N., «  Toward the cottonization of hemp fibers by steam explosion. Flame-retardant fibers  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 151, 2020.
T. SAUVAGEON, LAVOIE, J. M., SEGOVIA, C., et BROSSE, N., «  Toward the cottonization of hemp fibers by steam explosion - Part 1: defibration and morphological characterization  », TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL , vol. 88, p. 1047-1055, 2018.
T. A. BUI, OUDJENE, M., LARDEUR, P., KHELIFA, M., et ROGAUME, Y., «  Towards experimental and numerical assessment of the vibrational serviceability comfort of adhesive free laminated timber beams and CLT panels assembled using compressed wood dowels  », ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , vol. 216, 2020.
M. OUDJENE, PENAZZI, L., et BATOZ, J. L., « Towards the three-dimensional F.E-analysis of rapid prototyping tools for sheet metal stamping process », Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, vol. 43, nᵒ 8, 2007.
A. THUILLIER, CHIBANI, K., BELLI, G., HERRERO, E., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., KOHLER, A., DEROY, A., DHALLEINE, T., BCHINI, R., JACQUOT, J. P., GELHAYE, E., et MOREL-ROUHIER, M., « Transcriptomic responses of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to wood extractives: focus on a new glutathione transferase.  », Appl. Environ. Microbiol. , vol. 80, nᵒ 20, 2014.
A. THUILLIER, CHIBANI, K., BELLI, G., HERRERO, E., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., KOHLER, A., DEROY, A., DHALLEINE, T., BCHINI, R., JACQUOT, J. P., GELHAYE, E., et MOREL-ROUHIER, M., « Transcriptomic responses of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to wood extractives: focus on a new glutathione transferase.  », Appl. Environ. Microbiol. , vol. 80, nᵒ 20, 2014.
Y. FOO-WONG, MAKAHLEH, A., SAAD, B., MOHAMAD-IBRAHIM, M. N., RAHIM, A. A., et BROSSE, N., « UPLC method for the determination of vitamin E homologue and derivatives in vegetable oils, margarines and supplement capsules using pentafluorophenyl column », Talanta, vol. 130, 2014.
H. D. BOURAS, BENTURKI, O., BOURAS, N., ATTOU, M., DONNOT, A., MERLIN, A., ADDOUN, F., et HOLTZ, M. D., « The use of an agricultural waste material from Ziziphus jujuba as a novel adsorbent for humic acid removal from aqueous solutions », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, vol. 211, p. 1039-1046, 2015.
H. D. BOURAS, BENTURKI, O., BOURAS, N., ATTOU, M., DONNOT, A., MERLIN, A., ADDOUN, F., et HOLTZ, M. D., « The use of an agricultural waste material from Ziziphus jujuba as a novel adsorbent for humic acid removal from aqueous solutions », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, vol. 211, p. 1039-1046, 2015.
H. D. BOURAS, BENTURKI, O., BOURAS, N., ATTOU, M., DONNOT, A., MERLIN, A., ADDOUN, F., et HOLTZ, M. D., « The use of an agricultural waste material from Ziziphus jujuba as a novel adsorbent for humic acid removal from aqueous solutions », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, vol. 211, p. 1039-1046, 2015.
M. BRENNAN, MCDONALD, A., et TOPP, C. F. E., «  Use of Raman microspectroscopy to predict malting barley husk adhesion quality  », PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY , vol. 139, p. 587-590, 2019.
F. LECONTE, BOUYER, J., CLAVERIE, R., et PETRISSANS, M., «  Using Local Climate Zone scheme for UHI assessment: Evaluation of the method using mobile measurements  », BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , vol. 83, p. 39-49, 2015.
V. MAURIN, CROUTXE-BARGHORN, C., ALLONAS, X., BRENDLE, J., BESSIERE, J., MERLIN, A., et MASSON, E., « UV powder coatings containing synthetic Ag-beidellite for antibacterial properties », Appled Clay Sciences, vol. 96, 2014.
V. MAURIN, CROUTXE-BARGHORN, C., ALLONAS, X., BRENDLE, J., BESSIERE, J., MERLIN, A., et MASSON, E., « UV powder coatings containing synthetic Ag-beidellite for antibacterial properties », Appled Clay Sciences, vol. 96, 2014.
V. MAURIN, ALLONAS, X., CROUTXE-BARGHORN, C., BESSIERE, J., et MERLIN, A., « UV Powders for wood coatings », Radtech Report, vol. 2, 2012.
S. AMIROU, PIZZI, A., BELLEVILLE, B., et DELMOTTE, L., «  Water resistance of natural joint of spruce produced by linear friction welding without any treatment  », INTERNATIONAL WOOD PRODUCTS JOURNAL , vol. 8, p. 201-207, 2017.
M. MAMMAR, DJOUIMAA, S., HAMIDAT, A., BAHRIA, S., et EL-GANAOUI, M., «  Wind effect on full-scale design of heliostat with torque tube  », MECHANICS & INDUSTRY , vol. 18, 2017.
F. LAN-PING, GAMBIER, F., PIZZI, A., ZHOU-DING, G., et BROSSE, N., « Wood adhesives from agricultural by-products: lignins and tannins for the elaboration of particleboards », Cellulose Chem Techn., vol. 46, nᵒ 7-8, 2012.
B. BELLEVILLE, SEGOVIA, C., PIZZI, A., STEVANOVIC, T., et CLOUTIER, A., « Wood block board fabricated by rotational dowel welding », Adh. Sci. Technol, vol. 25.
V. MAURIN, BESSIERE, J., CROUTXE-BARGHORN, C., ALLONAS, X., MERLIN, A., et MASSON, E., « Wood coating by UV powders », Cellulose Chem. Technol., vol. 46, nᵒ 7-8, 2012.
J. F. BOCQUET, PIZZI, A., DESPRES, A., MANSOURI, H. R., RESCH, L., MICHEL, D., et LETORT, F., « Wood joints and laminated wood beams assembled by mechanically welded wood dowels », J. Adhesion Sci.Technol., vol. 21, nᵒ 3-4, 2007.
B. THIBAUT, DENAUD, L., COLLET, R., MARCHAL, R., BEAUCHENE, J., MOTHE, F., MEAUSOONE, P. J., MARTIN, P., LARRICQ, P., et EYMA, F., «  Wood machining with a focus on French research in the last 50 years  », ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE , vol. 73, p. 163-184, 2016.
