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H. M. ALI, MAKSIMENKO, A., URBINATI, G., CHAPUIS, H., RAOUANE, M., DESMAELE, D., YASUHIRO, H., HARASHIMA, H., COUVREUR, P., et MASSAAD-MASSAADE, L., « Effects of silencing RET-PTC1 oncogene in papillary thyroid carcinoma by siRNA-squalene nanoparticles with and without fusogenic companion GALA-Cholesterol », Thyroid, vol. 24, nᵒ 2, 2014.
H. M. ALI, URBINATI, G., CHAPUIS, H., DESMAELE, D., BERTRAND, J. R., COUVREUR, P., et MASSAAD-MASSAADE, L., « Effects of siRNA on RET/PTC3 junction oncogene in papillary thyroid carcinoma : from molecular and cellular studies to preclinical investigations. », PLoS ONE, vol. 9, nᵒ 4, 2014.
H. - M. ALI, URBINATI, G., CHAPUIS, H., DESMAELE, D., RAOUANE, M., YASUHIRO, H., HARASHIMA, H., COUVREUR, P., et MASSAAD-MASSADE, L., « Effects of silencing the RET/PTC1 oncogene in papillary thyroid carcinoma by siRNA-squalene nanoparticles with and without fusogenic companion GALA-Cholesterol. », Thyroid, vol. 24, nᵒ 2, 2014.
O. ALLEGRETTI, REMOND, R., et PERRE, P., «  Nonsymmetrical drying tests - Experimental and numerical results for free and constrained spruce samples  », DRYING TECHNOLOGY , vol. 36, p. 1554-1562, 2018.
G. ALMEIDA, REMOND, R., et PERRE, P., «  Hygroscopic behaviour of lignocellulosic materials: Dataset at oscillating relative humidity variations  », JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING , vol. 19, p. 320-333, 2018.
F. ALOUI, AHAJJI, A., IRMOULI, Y., GEORGE, B., CHARRIER, B., et MERLIN, A., « Inorganic UV absorbers for the photostabilization of wood-clearcoating systems: comparison with organic UV absorbers », Applied surface science, vol. 253, nᵒ 8, 2007.
G. AMARAL-LABAT, GRISHECHKO, L., SZCZUREK, A., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., KUZNETSOV, B., et CELZARD, A., « Highly mesoporous organic aerogels derived from soy and tannin », Green Chemistry, vol. 14, 2012.
G. AMARAL-LABAT, GRISHECHKO, L. I., FIERRO, V., KUTZNETSOV, B. N., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., « Tannin based xerogels with distinctive porous structure », Biomass and Bioenergy, vol. 56, 2013.
G. AMARAL-LABAT, SZCZUREK, A., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., MASSON, E., et CELZARD, A., « "Blue-glue": A new precursor of carbon aerogels », Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 158, 2012.
G. AMARAL-LABAT, ZOLLFRANK, C., ORTONA, A., PUSTERLA, S., PIZZI, A., FIERRO, V., et CELZARD, A., « Structure and oxidation resistance of microcellular Si-SiC foams derived from natural resins », Ceramics International, vol. 39, 2013.
G. AMARAL-LABAT, SZCZUREK, A., FIERRO, V., STEIN, N., BOULANGER, C., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., « Pore structure and electrochemical performances of tannin-based carbon cryogels », Biomass and Bioenergy, vol. 39, 2012.
G. AMARAL-LABAT, GOURDON, E., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., « Acoustic properties of cellular vitreous carbon foams », Carbon, vol. 58, 2013.
G. AMARAL-LABAT, SZCZUREK, A., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., MASSON, E., et CELZARD, A., « Impact of depressurizing rate on the porosity of aerogels », Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, vol. 152, 2012.
G. AMARAL-LABAT, SAHIMI, M., PIZZI, A., FIERRO, V., et CELZARD, A., « Mechanical properties of heat-treated organic foams », Physical Reviews, vol. 87, nᵒ 3, 2013.
G. A. AMARAL-LABAT, PIZZI, A., GONCALVES, A. R., CELZARD, A., et RIGOLET, S., « Environment-friendly soy flour-based resins without formaldehyde », J. Appl. Polymer Sci., vol. 108, 2008.
G. AMARAL-LABAT, SZCZCUREK, A., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., « Systematic studies of tannin-formaldehyde aerogels: preparation and properties », Sci.Techn.Adv.Materials, vol. 14, nᵒ 1, 2013.
S. AMIROU, PIZZI, A., et XI, X. D., «  Wheat protein hydrolysates-resorcinol-aldehydes as potential cold setting adhesives  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 77, p. 453-463, 2019.
S. AMIROU et PIZZI, A., «  Biosourced heat resistant coatings by cross-linking of proteins with triethyl phosphate  », PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS , vol. 138, 2020.
S. AMIROU, ZERIZER, A., et PIZZI, A., « Investigation of chemical, physical, and mechanical properties of Algerian date palm wood.  », Materials Testing, vol. 56, nᵒ 3, 2014.
S. AMIROU, PIZZI, A., et DELMOTTE, L., «  Citric acid as waterproofing additive in butt joints linear wood welding  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 75, p. 651-654, 2017.
S. AMIROU, PIZZI, A., et DELMOTTE, L., «  Investigations of mechanical properties and chemical changes occurring during welding of thermally modified ash wood  », JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , vol. 34, p. 13-24, 2019.
S. AMIROU, ZERIZER, A., HADDADOU, I., et MERLIN, A., « Effects of corona discharge treatment on the mechanical properties of biocomposites from polylactic acid and Algerian date palm fibres », Sci. Res. Essays, vol. 8, nᵒ 21, 2013.
S. AMIROU, ZHANG, J., PIZZI, A., ESSAWY, H., ZERIZER, A., LI, J., et DELMOTTE, L., « Utilization of hydrophilic/hydrophobic Hyperbranched Poly(amidoamines)s additives fort melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF) adhesives. », Polymer Composites, 2014.
S. AMIROU, ZHANG, J., ESSAWY, H., PIZZI, A., ZERIZER, A., et DELMOTTE, L., « Utilisation of hydrophilic/ hydrophobic poly(amidoamine)s as additives for melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) adhesives and consequent application in particleboard fabrication, », Polymers Adv. Technol. , p. 2255-2264 , 2015.
S. AMIROU, PIZZI, A., BELLEVILLE, B., et DELMOTTE, L., «  Water resistance of natural joint of spruce produced by linear friction welding without any treatment  », INTERNATIONAL WOOD PRODUCTS JOURNAL , vol. 8, p. 201-207, 2017.
