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Journal Article
F. OBOUNOU-AKONG, GERARDIN, P., THEVENON, M. F., et GERARDIN-CHARBONNIER, C., « Hydrogel-based boron salt formulations for wood preservation.  », Wood Sciences Technology, 2014.
S. N. OBAME et ZIEGLER-DEVIN, I., «  Homolytic and Heterolytic Cleavage of beta-Ether Linkages in Hardwood Lignin by Steam Explosion  », JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY , vol. 67, p. 5989-5996, 2019.
N. RHAZI, HANNACHE, H., OUMAM, M., SESBOU, A., CHARRIER, B., PIZZI, A., et CHARRIER-EL-BOUHTOURY, F., « Green extraction process of tannins obtained from Moroccan Acacia mollissima barks by microwave: Modeling and optimization of the process using the response surface methodology RSM », ARABIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY , vol. 12, p. 2668-2684, 2019.
P. OMRANI, MANSOURI, H. R., DUCHANOIS, G., et PIZZI, A., « Fracture mechanics of linear welded wood: effect of wood species and grain orientation », J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., vol. 23, 2009.
M. KHELIFA, OUDJENE, M., et KHENNANE, A., « Fracture in sheet metal forming: effect of ductile damage evolution », Computers and Structures, vol. 85, 2007.
M. OUDJENE et KHELIFA, M., « Finite element modelling of wooden structures at large deformations and brittle failure prediction », Materials & Design, 2009.
V. D. THI, KHELIFA, M., OUDJENE, M., EL-GANAOUI, M., et ROGAUME, Y., «  Finite element analysis of heat transfer through timber elements exposed to fire  », ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , vol. 143, p. 11-21, 2017.
V. D. TRAN, OUDJENE, M., et MEAUSOONE, P. J., « FE analysis and geometrical optimization of timber beech finger-joint under bending test.  », International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, vol. 52, 2014.
C. O'LOISINGH, OUDJENE, M., AIT-ADLER, H., FANNING, P., PIZZI, A., SHOTTON, E., et MEGHLAT, E. - M., « Experimental study of timber-to-timber composite beam using welded-through wood dowels », Construct.Build.Mat., vol. 36, 2012.
C. O'LOISINGH, OUDJENE, M., AIT-ADLER, H., FANNING, P., PIZZI, A., SHOTTON, E., et MEGHLAT, E. - M., « Experimental study of timber-to-timber composite beam using welded-through wood dowels », Construct.Build.Mat., vol. 36, 2012.
I. EL-HOUJEYRI, THI, V. D., OUDJENE, M., KHELIFA, M., ROGAUME, Y., SOTAYO, A., et GUAN, Z., «  Experimental investigations on adhesive free laminated oak timber beams and timber-to-timber joints assembled using thermo-mechanically compressed wood dowels  », CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , vol. 222, p. 288-299, 2019.
V. D. TRAN, OUDJENE, M., et MEAUSOONE, P. J., «  Experimental investigation on full-scale glued oak solid timber beams for structural bearing capacity  », CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , vol. 123, p. 365-371, 2016.
V. D. TRAN, OUDJENE, M., et MEAUSOONE, P. J., « Experimental and numerical analysis of the structural response of adhesively reconstituted beech timber beams (2015)  », Composite Structures, vol. 119, 2015.
M. KHELIFA, CELZARD, A., OUDJENE, M., et RUELLE, J., «  Experimental and numerical analysis of CFRP-strengthened finger-jointed timber beams  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES , vol. 68, p. 283-297, 2016.
M. C. NDUKWU, SIMO-TAGNE, M., ABAM, F. I., ONWUKA, O. S., PRINCE, S., et BENNAMOUN, L., «  Exergetic sustainability and economic analysis of hybrid solar-biomass dryer integrated with copper tubing as heat exchanger  », HELIYON, vol. 6, 2020.
J. MARACHLIAN, BENELMIR, R., A. BAKKALI, E., et OLIVIER, G., « Energy based simulation model for vehicle HVAC operation », Thermal Engineering, vol. 31, nᵒ 5, 2011.
P. OMRANI, MASSON, E., PIZZI, A., et MANSOURI, H. R., « Emission gasses in linear vibration welding of wood.  », J. Adhesion Sci.Technol., vol. 23, nᵒ 1, 2009.
P. OMRANI, MASSON, E., PIZZI, A., et MANSOURI, H. R., « Emission gasses and degradation volatiles from polymeric wood constituents in wood dowels friction welding », Polymer Degrad. & Stabil., vol. 93, 2008.
M. OUDJENE et KHELIFA, M., « Elasto-plastic constitutive law for wood behaviour under compressive loadings », Construction and Building Materials, vol. 23, nᵒ 11, 2009.
S. OUKACH, PATEYRON, B., HAMDI, H., et EL-GANAOUI, M., « Effect of thermal contact resistance on alumina molten particle impacting onto a metal substrate. », Defect and Diffusion forum, vol. 326-328, 2012.
A. DUFOUR, CELZARD, A., OUARTASSI, B., BROUST, F., FIERRO, V., et ZOULALIAN, A., « Effect of micropores diffusion on kinetics of CH4 decomposition over a wood-derived carbon catalyst », Applied Catalysis A: General, vol. 360, nᵒ 2, 2009.
A. PASC, OBOUNOU-AKONG, F., COSGUN, S., et GERARDIN, C., « Differences between ?-Ala and Gly-Gly in the design of amino acids-based hydrogels », Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 6, nᵒ 10, 2010.
J. M. LEAN, MANSOURI, H. R., OMRANI, P., et PIZZI, A., « Dependence of dowel welding from rotation rate », Holz Roh Werkstoff, vol. 66, nᵒ 3, 2008.
M. OUDJENE, TRAN, V. D., et KHELIFA, M., «  Cyclic and monotonic responses of double shear single dowelled timber connections made of hardwood species: Experimental investigations  », CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , vol. 132, p. 188-195, 2017.
A. COMPAORE, PUTRANTO, A., DISSA, A. O., OUOBA, S., REMOND, R., ROGAUME, Y., ZOULALIAN, A., BERE, A., et KOULIDIATI, J., «  Convective drying of onion: modeling of drying kinetics parameters  », JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE , vol. 56, p. 3347-3354, 2019.
