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Journal Article
C. COELHO, MARTINS, J., CARVALHO, L., COSTA, C., MASSON, D., et MEAUSOONE, P. J., « A novel method for evaluating the influence of wood machining conditions on the quality of a finished surface », Wood Science and Technology, vol. 42, nᵒ 3, 2008.
C. COELHO, MARTINS, J., CARVALHO, L., COSTA, C., MASSON, D., et MEAUSOONE, P. J., « A novel method for evaluating the influence of wood machining conditions on the quality of a finished surface », Wood Science and Technology, vol. 42, nᵒ 3, 2008.
C. COELHO, MARTINS, J., CARVALHO, L., COSTA, C., MASSON, D., et MEAUSOONE, P. J., « A novel method for evaluating the influence of wood machining conditions on the quality of a finished surface », Wood Science and Technology, vol. 42, nᵒ 3, 2008.
U. H. ABDULLAH, ZHOU, X., PIZZI, A., et MERLIN, A., « A note on the surface quality of plywood overlaid with mimosa (Acacia mearnsii) tannin and melamine urea formaldehyde impregnated paper: effects of moisture content of resin-impregnated papers before pressing on the physical properties of overlaid panels  », Int. Wood Products J. , vol. 4, nᵒ 4, 2013.
M. OUDJENE, MEGHLAT, E. M., AIT-AIDER, H., et BATOZ, J. L., « Non-linear finite element modelling of the structural behaviour of screwed timber-to-concrete composite connections. », Composite Structures, vol. 102, 2013.
M. MUBAROK, DUMARCAY, S., MILITZ, H., CANDELIER, K., THEVENON, M. F., et GERARDIN, P., «  Non-biocide antifungal and anti-termite wood preservation treatments based on combinations of thermal modification with different chemical additives  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 77, p. 1125-1136, 2019.
M. MUBAROK, DUMARCAY, S., MILITZ, H., CANDELIER, K., THEVENON, M. F., et GERARDIN, P., «  Non-biocide antifungal and anti-termite wood preservation treatments based on combinations of thermal modification with different chemical additives  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 77, p. 1125-1136, 2019.
E. MEUX, MOREL, M., LAMANT, T., GERARDIN, P., JACQUOT, J. P., DUMARCAY, S., et GELHAYE, E., « New substrates and activity of Phanerochaete chrysosporium Omega glutathione transferases. », Biochimie, vol. 95, nᵒ 2, 2013.
E. MEUX, MOREL, M., LAMANT, T., GERARDIN, P., JACQUOT, J. P., DUMARCAY, S., et GELHAYE, E., « New substrates and activity of Phanerochaete chrysosporium Omega glutathione transferases. », Biochimie, vol. 95, nᵒ 2, 2013.
A. DORIEH, MAHMOODI, N. O., MAMAGHANI, M., PIZZI, A., ZEYDI, M. M., et MOSLEMI, A., «  New insight into the use of latent catalysts for the synthesis of urea formaldehyde adhesives and the mechanical properties of medium density fiberboards bonded with them  », EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL , vol. 112, p. 195-205, 2019.
A. DORIEH, MAHMOODI, N. O., MAMAGHANI, M., PIZZI, A., ZEYDI, M. M., et MOSLEMI, A., «  New insight into the use of latent catalysts for the synthesis of urea formaldehyde adhesives and the mechanical properties of medium density fiberboards bonded with them  », EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL , vol. 112, p. 195-205, 2019.
A. DORIEH, MAHMOODI, N. O., MAMAGHANI, M., PIZZI, A., ZEYDI, M. M., et MOSLEMI, A., «  New insight into the use of latent catalysts for the synthesis of urea formaldehyde adhesives and the mechanical properties of medium density fiberboards bonded with them  », EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL , vol. 112, p. 195-205, 2019.
E. M. MEGHLAT, OUDJENE, M., AIT-AIDER, H., et BATOZ, J. L., « A new approach to model nailed and screwed timber joints using the finite element method. », Construction and Building Materials, vol. 41, 2013.
D. TRACHE, TARCHOUN, A. F., DERRADJI, M., HAMIDON, T. S., MASRUCHIN, N., BROSSE, N., et HUSSIN, M. H., «  Nanocellulose: From Fundamentals to Advanced Applications  », FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY , vol. 8, p. 392, 2020.
B. SHRESTHA, LE-BRECH, Y., GHISLAIN, T., LECLERC, S., CARRE, V., AUBRIET, F., HOPPE, S., MARCHAL, P., PONTVIANNE, S., BROSSE, N., et DUFOUR, A., «  A Multitechnique Characterization of Lignin Softening and Pyrolysis  », ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING , vol. 5, p. 6940-6949, 2017.
R. C. DEPTULSKI, MNASRI, F., EL-GANAOUI, M., et BENNACER, R., «  Morphological Approach for Nonlinear Flow and Heat Transfer in Complex Bio-Composite Material  », HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING , vol. 40, p. 1486-1497, 2019.
M. SCHWARTZ, PERROT, T., AUBERT, E., DUMARCAY, S., FAVIER, F., GERARDIN, P., MOREL-ROUHIER, M., MULLIERT, G., SAIAG, F., DIDIERJEAN, C., et GELHAYE, E., «  Molecular recognition of wood polyphenols by phase II detoxification enzymes of the white rot Trametes versicolor  », SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , vol. 8, 2018.
M. SCHWARTZ, PERROT, T., AUBERT, E., DUMARCAY, S., FAVIER, F., GERARDIN, P., MOREL-ROUHIER, M., MULLIERT, G., SAIAG, F., DIDIERJEAN, C., et GELHAYE, E., «  Molecular recognition of wood polyphenols by phase II detoxification enzymes of the white rot Trametes versicolor  », SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , vol. 8, 2018.
M. VAZIRI, LINDGREN, O., PIZZI, A., et MANSOURI, H. R., « Moisture properties of Scots pine joints induced by linear wood welding », J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., vol. 24, nᵒ 8, 2010.
A. Merabtine, MOKRAOUI, S., Benelmir, R., et LARAQI, N., « Modélisation par la méthode Bond Graph d'un système combiné planché chauffant - plafond raffraichissant. », Mechanics & Industry, vol. 13, 2012.
A. Merabtine, MOKRAOUI, S., Benelmir, R., et LARAQI, N., « Modélisation par la méthode Bond Graph d'un système combiné planché chauffant - plafond raffraichissant. », Mechanics & Industry, vol. 13, 2012.
M. SIMO-TAGNE, BONOMA, B., BENNAMOUN, L., MONKAM, L., LEONARD, A., ZOULALIAN, A., et ROGAUME, Y., «  Modeling of coupled heat and mass transfer during drying of ebony wood using indirect natural convection solar dryer  », DRYING TECHNOLOGY , vol. 37, p. 1863-1878, 2019.
J. FRANCOIS, MAUVIEL, G., FEIDT, M., ROGAUME, C., ROGAUME, Y., MIRGAUX, O., PATISSON, F., et DUFOUR, A., « Modeling of a Biomass Gasification CHP Plant: Influence of Various Parameters on Energetic and Exergetic Efficiencies », Energy & Fuels, vol. 27, nᵒ 12, 2013.
J. FRANCOIS, MAUVIEL, G., FEIDT, M., ROGAUME, C., ROGAUME, Y., MIRGAUX, O., PATISSON, F., et DUFOUR, A., « Modeling of a Biomass Gasification CHP Plant: Influence of Various Parameters on Energetic and Exergetic Efficiencies », Energy & Fuels, vol. 27, nᵒ 12, 2013.
U. HANI-ABDULLAH, PIZZI, A., ZHOU, X., RODE, K., DELMOTTE, L., et MANSOURI, H. R., « Mimosa tannin resins for impregnated paper overlays », European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, vol. 71, nᵒ 2, 2013.
