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F. LYON, PIZZI, A., IMAMURA, Y., THEVENON, M. F., NAMI-KARTAL, S., et GRIL, J., « Leachability and termite resistance of wood treated with a new preservative: ammonium borate oleate », Holz Roh Werkstoff, vol. 65, nᵒ 5, 2007.
X. ZHOU, PIZZI, A., SAUGET, A., NICOLLIN, A., LI, X., CELZARD, A., PASCH, H., et RODE, K., « Lightweight tannin foam/composites sandwich panels and the coldset tannin adhesive to assemble them », Ind.Crops & Prod, vol. 43, 2013.
G. NGUILA-INARI, PETRISSANS, M., DUMARCAY, S., LAMBERT, J., EHRHARDT, J. J., GERARDIN, P., et SERNEK, M., « Limitation of XPS for analysis of wood species containing high amounts of lipophilic extractives », Wood Science and Technology, vol. 45, 2011.
G. NGUILA-INARI, PETRISSANS, M., DUMARCAY, S., LAMBERT, J., EHRHARDT, J. J., ERNEK, M. Š., et GERARDIN, P., « Limitation of XPS for analysis of wood species containing high amounts of lipophilic extractives », Wood Sci. Technol., vol. 45, nᵒ 2, 2011.
M. KRIFA, PIZZI, A., MOUSLI, M., CHEKIR-GHEDIRA, L., LELOUP, L., et GHEDIRA, K., « Limoniastrum guyonianum aqueous gall extract induces apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells by inhibiting calpain activity.  », Tumor Biology, 2014.
M. E. S. S. A. I. S, J, S. G. H. A. I. E. R., M, E. L. G. A. N. A. O. U. I., L, C. H. R. U. S. C. I. E. L., et S, G. A. B. S. I., « Low-Pressure Superheated Steam Drying of a Porous Media », Drying Technology: An International Journal, vol. 33(1), p. 103-110.
M. VAZIRI, ORADD, G., LINDGREN, O., et PIZZI, A., « Magnetic resonance imaging of water distribution in welded woods », J. Adh. Sci.Technol., vol. 25, p. 1997-200, 2011.
S. JAHANSHAHI, PIZZI, A., ABDULKHANI, A., DOOSTHOSEINI, K., SHAKERI, A., LAGEL, M. C., et DELMOTTE, L., «  MALDI-TOF, C-13 NMR and FT-MIR analysis and strength characterization of glycidyl ether tannin epoxy resins  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 83, p. 177-185, 2016.
J. ZHANG, PIZZI, A., LI, J., et ZHANG, W., « MALDI-TOF-MS analysis of the curing of phenol-formaldehyde (PF) wood adhesives induced by propylene carbonate, », , Eur. J. Wood Prod., vol. 73 , 2015.
M. C. LAGEL, PIZZI, A., et GIOVANDO, S., « Matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry of phenol-formaldehyde-chestnut tannin resins.  », J. Renewable Mat., vol. 2, nᵒ 3, 2014.
M. LETELLIER, DELGADO-SANCHEZ, C., KHELIFA, M., FIERRO, V., et CELZARD, A., «  Mechanical properties of model vitreous carbon foams  », CARBON, vol. 116, p. 562-571, 2017.
Y. LE-BRECH, JIA, L. Y., CISSE, S., MAUVIEL, G., BROSSE, N., et DUFOUR, A., «  Mechanisms of biomass pyrolysis studied reactor with advanced gas analysis by combining a fixed bed  », JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS , vol. 117, p. 334-346, 2016.
E. PENDLEBURY, LEI, H., ANTOINE, M. L., et PIZZI, A., « Melamine-formaldehyde resins without urea for wood panels », J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., vol. 24, nᵒ 8, 2010.
K. IAYCH, DUMARCAY, S., FREDON, E., GERARDIN, C., LEMOR, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Microwave-assisted synthesis of polyglycerol from glycerol carbonate », Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 120, nᵒ 4, 2011.
K. IAYCH, DUMARCAY, S., FREDON, E., GERARDIN, C., LEMOR, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Microwave-assisted synthesis of polyglycerol from glycerol carbonate. », J. Appl. Polym. Sci., , vol. 120, nᵒ 4, 2011.
M. NICAULT, TIDJANI, A. R., GAUTHIER, A., DUMARCAY, S., GELHAYE, E., BONTEMPS, C., et LEBLOND, P., «  Mining the Biosynthetic Potential for Specialized Metabolism of a Streptomyces Soil Community  », ANTIBIOTICS-BASEL , vol. 9, p. 271, 2020.
B. J. LIN, SILVEIRA, E. A., COLIN, B., CHEN, W. H., LIN, Y. Y., LECONTE, F., PETRISSANS, A., ROUSSET, P., et PETRISSANS, M., «  Modeling and prediction of devolatilization and elemental composition of wood during mild pyrolysis in a pilot-scale reactor  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 131, p. 357-370, 2019.
B. J. LIN, SILVEIRA, E. A., COLIN, B., CHEN, W. H., LIN, Y. Y., LECONTE, F., PETRISSANS, A., ROUSSET, P., et PETRISSANS, M., «  Modeling and prediction of devolatilization and elemental composition of wood during mild pyrolysis in a pilot-scale reactor  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 131, p. 357-370, 2019.
B. J. LIN, SILVEIRA, E. A., COLIN, B., CHEN, W. H., LIN, Y. Y., LECONTE, F., PETRISSANS, A., ROUSSET, P., et PETRISSANS, M., «  Modeling and prediction of devolatilization and elemental composition of wood during mild pyrolysis in a pilot-scale reactor  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 131, p. 357-370, 2019.
J. P. B. KARAMA, BERE, A., LEMONON, J., DAHO, T., DISSA, A., ROGAUME, Y., et KOULIDIATI, J., « modeling of chloride of hydrogen and free chloride emission form thermal treatment of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) based plastic materials.  », Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 101, 2013.
M. SIMO-TAGNE, BONOMA, B., BENNAMOUN, L., MONKAM, L., LEONARD, A., ZOULALIAN, A., et ROGAUME, Y., «  Modeling of coupled heat and mass transfer during drying of ebony wood using indirect natural convection solar dryer  », DRYING TECHNOLOGY , vol. 37, p. 1863-1878, 2019.
