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Journal Article
Z. KECIRA, BENTURKI, O., BENTURKI, A., DAOUD, M., et GIRODS, P., «  High adsorption capacity of nitrobenzene from aqueous solution using activated carbons prepared from vegetable waste  », ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY , 2020.
M. ELAIEB, CANDELIER, K., PETRISSANS, A., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., et PETRISSANS, M., « Heat treatment of Tunisian soft wood species: effect on the durability, chemical modifications and mechanical properties. », Maderas-Cienc Tecnol, vol. 17(4), p. 699 - 710, 2015.
A. MOREL, MANTRAND, N., BELAID, S., LOPEZ, M., CHEREAU, D., DEMAILLE, C., PAILLER, S., VALTER, F., GALET, O., GUEGUEN, J., KAPEL, R., PIZZI, A., et GARRIGUE, F., «  Ground plant meal potential market, functional properties and applications  », OCL-OILSEEDS AND FATS CROPS AND LIPIDS , vol. 23, 2016.
A. MOREL, MANTRAND, N., BELAID, S., LOPEZ, M., CHEREAU, D., DEMAILLE, C., PAILLER, S., VALTER, F., GALET, O., GUEGUEN, J., KAPEL, R., PIZZI, A., et GARRIGUE, F., «  Ground plant meal potential market, functional properties and applications  », OCL-OILSEEDS AND FATS CROPS AND LIPIDS , vol. 23, 2016.
A. MOREL, MANTRAND, N., BELAID, S., LOPEZ, M., CHEREAU, D., DEMAILLE, C., PAILLER, S., VALTER, F., GALET, O., GUEGUEN, J., KAPEL, R., PIZZI, A., et GARRIGUE, F., «  Ground plant meal potential market, functional properties and applications  », OCL-OILSEEDS AND FATS CROPS AND LIPIDS , vol. 23, 2016.
E. MEUX, PASCALITA, P., NGADIN, A., DIDIERJEAN, C., MOREL, M., DUMARCAY, S., LAMANT, T., JACQUOT, J. P., FAVIER, F., et GELHAYE, E., « Glutathione Transferases of Phanerochaete chrysosporium: S-glytathionyl-p-hydroquinone reductase belongs to a new structural class », Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 286, nᵒ 11, 2011.
X. D. XI, PIZZI, A., GERARDIN, C., LIAO, J. J., AMIROU, S., et ABDALLA, S., «  Glutaraldehyde-wheat gluten protein adhesives for wood bonding  », JOURNAL OF ADHESION , 2019.
X. D. XI, PIZZI, A., GERARDIN, C., et DU, G. B., « Glucose-Biobased Non-Isocyanate Polyurethane Rigid Foams », JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE MATERIALS , vol. 7, p. 301-312, 2019.
S. C. CHEPKWONY, DUMARCAY, S., CHAPUIS, H., KIPROP, A., GERARDIN, P., et GERARDIN-CHARBONNIER, C., «  Geographic and intraspecific variability of mesquitol amounts in Prosopis juliflora trees from Kenya  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 78, p. 801-809, 2020.
S. C. CHEPKWONY, DUMARCAY, S., CHAPUIS, H., KIPROP, A., GERARDIN, P., et GERARDIN-CHARBONNIER, C., «  Geographic and intraspecific variability of mesquitol amounts in Prosopis juliflora trees from Kenya  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 78, p. 801-809, 2020.
S. ABDALLA, PIZZI, A., BAHABRY, F., et GANASH, A., « Furanic copolymers with synthetic and natural phenolic materials for wood adhesives - a MALDI TOF study », Maderas-Cienc Tecnol, p. 99 - 104, 2015.
T. PERROT, SCHWARTZ, M., SAIAG, F., SALZET, G., DUMARCAY, S., FAVIER, F., GERARDIN, P., GIRARDET, J. M., SORMANI, R., MOREL-ROUHIER, M., AMUSANT, N., DIDIERJEAN, C., et GELHAYE, E., «  Fungal Glutathione Transferases as Tools to Explore the Chemical Diversity of Amazonian Wood Extractives  », ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING , vol. 6, p. 13078-13085, 2018.
T. PERROT, SCHWARTZ, M., SAIAG, F., SALZET, G., DUMARCAY, S., FAVIER, F., GERARDIN, P., GIRARDET, J. M., SORMANI, R., MOREL-ROUHIER, M., AMUSANT, N., DIDIERJEAN, C., et GELHAYE, E., «  Fungal Glutathione Transferases as Tools to Explore the Chemical Diversity of Amazonian Wood Extractives  », ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING , vol. 6, p. 13078-13085, 2018.
T. PERROT, SCHWARTZ, M., SAIAG, F., SALZET, G., DUMARCAY, S., FAVIER, F., GERARDIN, P., GIRARDET, J. M., SORMANI, R., MOREL-ROUHIER, M., AMUSANT, N., DIDIERJEAN, C., et GELHAYE, E., «  Fungal Glutathione Transferases as Tools to Explore the Chemical Diversity of Amazonian Wood Extractives  », ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING , vol. 6, p. 13078-13085, 2018.
H. R. MANSOURI, THOMAS, R. R., GARNIER, S., et PIZZI, A., « Fluorinated polyether additives to improve performance of UF adhesives for wood panels », J. Appl. Polymer Sci., vol. 106, nᵒ 3, 2007.
M. C. BASSO, GIOVANDO, S., PIZZI, A., PASCH, H., PRETORIUS, N., DELMOTTE, L., et CELZARD, A., « Flexible-Elastic copolymerized Polyurethane-tannin foams », Journal of applied polymer science, vol. 131, nᵒ 13, 2014.
C. DELGADO-SANCHEZ, AMARAL-LABAT, G., GRISHECHKO, L. I., SANCHEZ-SANCHEZ, A., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., «  Fire-resistant tannin-ethylene glycol gels working as rubber springs with tuneable elastic properties  », JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , vol. 5, p. 14720-14732, 2017.
L. Y. JIA, BUENDIA-KANDIA, F., DUMARCAY, S., POIROT, H., MAUVIEL, G., GERARDIN, P., et DUFOUR, A., «  Fast Pyrolysis of Heartwood, Sapwood, and Bark: A Complementary Application of Online Photoionization Mass Spectrometry and Conventional Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry  », ENERGY & FUELS , vol. 31, p. 4078-4089, 2017.
A. NICOLLIN, LI, X., GIRODS, P., PIZZI, A., et ROGAUME, Y., « Fast pressing composite using tannin-furfuryl alcohol resin and vegetal fibers reinforcement », J.Renewable Mat., vol. 1, nᵒ 4, 2013.
E. MAYOT, LEMIERE, P., et GERARDIN-CHARBONNIER, C., « F-Amphiphilic 1,2,3-triazoles by unexpected intramolecular cyclisation of vinylazide », European Journal of Organic Chemistry, nᵒ 13, 2008.
N. GRIOUI, HALOUANI, K., ZOULALIAN, A., et HALOUANI, F., « Experimental study of thermal effect on olive wood porous structure during carbonization », Maderas: Ciencia y Technologia, vol. 9, nᵒ 1, 2007.
J. GAMERRO, BOCQUET, J. F., et WEINAND, Y., «  Experimental investigations on the load-carrying capacity of digitally produced wood-wood connections  », ENGINEERING STRUCTURES , vol. 213, 2020.
I. EL-HOUJEYRI, THI, V. D., OUDJENE, M., KHELIFA, M., ROGAUME, Y., SOTAYO, A., et GUAN, Z., «  Experimental investigations on adhesive free laminated oak timber beams and timber-to-timber joints assembled using thermo-mechanically compressed wood dowels  », CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS , vol. 222, p. 288-299, 2019.
B. CADILLE, TOPIN, F., GIRODS, P., VICENTE, J., TADRIST, L., et ROGAUME, Y., « Experimental characterization of particle evolution size and density by thermal treatment: application to DEM model of biomass pyrolysis. », Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2014.
A. PETRISSANS, YOUNSI, R., CHAOUCH, M., GERARDIN, P., et PETRISSANS, M., « Experimental and numerical analysis of wood thermodegradation - Mass loss kinetics », Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 109, nᵒ 2, 2012.
