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R. DJEDJIG, BOZONNET, E., et BELARBI, R., «  Modeling green wall interactions with street canyons for building energy simulation in urban context  », URBAN CLIMATE , vol. 16, p. 75-85, 2016.
N. BROSSE, DUFOUR, A., XIANZHI, M., SUN, Q., et RAGAUSKAS, A., « Miscanthus: a fast growing crop for bio-fuels and chemicals production  », Biofuels Bioproducts and Biorefining, vol. 6, nᵒ 5, 2012.
M. NICAULT, TIDJANI, A. R., GAUTHIER, A., DUMARCAY, S., GELHAYE, E., BONTEMPS, C., et LEBLOND, P., «  Mining the Biosynthetic Potential for Specialized Metabolism of a Streptomyces Soil Community  », ANTIBIOTICS-BASEL , vol. 9, p. 271, 2020.
U. HANI-ABDULLAH, PIZZI, A., ZHOU, X., RODE, K., DELMOTTE, L., et MANSOURI, H. R., « Mimosa tannin resins for impregnated paper overlays », European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, vol. 71, nᵒ 2, 2013.
K. IAYCH, DUMARCAY, S., FREDON, E., GERARDIN, C., LEMOR, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Microwave-assisted synthesis of polyglycerol from glycerol carbonate », Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 120, nᵒ 4, 2011.
K. IAYCH, DUMARCAY, S., FREDON, E., GERARDIN, C., LEMOR, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Microwave-assisted synthesis of polyglycerol from glycerol carbonate. », J. Appl. Polym. Sci., , vol. 120, nᵒ 4, 2011.
A. PASC, GIZZI, P., DUPUY, N., PARANT, S., GHANBADJA, J., et GERARDIN, C., « Microscopic and macroscopic anisotropy in molecular hydrogels of histidine-based surfactants », Tetrahedron Letters, vol. 50, 2009.
W. DARMAWAN, HERLIYANA, E. N., GAYATRI, A., DUMASARI, D., HASANUSI, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Microbial growths and checking on acrylic painted tropical woods and their static bending after three years of natural weathering », JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T , vol. 8, p. 3495-3503, 2019.
W. DARMAWAN, HERLIYANA, E. N., GAYATRI, A., DUMASARI, D., HASANUSI, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Microbial growths and checking on acrylic painted tropical woods and their static bending after three years of natural weathering », JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T , vol. 8, p. 3495-3503, 2019.
Y. LE-BRECH, JIA, L. Y., CISSE, S., MAUVIEL, G., BROSSE, N., et DUFOUR, A., «  Mechanisms of biomass pyrolysis studied reactor with advanced gas analysis by combining a fixed bed  », JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS , vol. 117, p. 334-346, 2016.
A. DUFOUR, VALIN, S., CASTELLI, P., THIERY, S., BOISSONNET, G., ZOULALIAN, A., et GLAUDE, P. A., «  Mechanisms and kinetics of methane thermal conversion in a syngas », Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 48, nᵒ 14, 2009.
F. J. SANTIAGO-MEDINA, DELGADO-SANCHEZ, C., BASSO, M. C., PIZZI, A., FIERRO, V., et CELZARD, A., «  Mechanically blown wall-projected tannin-based foams  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 113, p. 316-323, 2018.
M. LETELLIER, DELGADO-SANCHEZ, C., KHELIFA, M., FIERRO, V., et CELZARD, A., «  Mechanical properties of model vitreous carbon foams  », CARBON, vol. 116, p. 562-571, 2017.
S. JAHANSHAHI, PIZZI, A., ABDULKHANI, A., DOOSTHOSEINI, K., SHAKERI, A., LAGEL, M. C., et DELMOTTE, L., «  MALDI-TOF, C-13 NMR and FT-MIR analysis and strength characterization of glycidyl ether tannin epoxy resins  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 83, p. 177-185, 2016.
S. JAHANSHAHI, PIZZI, A., ABDULKHANI, A., DOOSTHOSEINI, K., SHAKERI, A., LAGEL, M. C., et DELMOTTE, L., «  MALDI-TOF, C-13 NMR and FT-MIR analysis and strength characterization of glycidyl ether tannin epoxy resins  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 83, p. 177-185, 2016.
M. C. BASSO, PIZZI, A., MARIS, J. P., DELMOTTE, L., COLIN, B., et ROGAUME, Y., «  MALDI-TOF, C-13 NMR and FTIR analysis of the cross-linking reaction of condensed tannins by triethyl phosphate  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 95, p. 621-631, 2017.
P. NAVARRETE, PIZZI, A., PASCH, H., RODE, K., et DELMOTTE, L., « MALDI-TOF and 13C NMR characterisation of maritime pine industrial tannin extract », Ind. Crops & Prod., vol. 32, nᵒ 2, 2010.
A. NICOLLIN, ZHOU, X., PIZZI, A., GRIGSBY, W. J., RODE, K., et DELMOTTE, L., « MALDI-TOF and 13C NMR analysis of a renewable resource additive – Thermoplastic acetylated tannins », Ind. Crops & Prod., vol. 49, 2013.
P. GIRODS, ROGAUME, Y., DUFOUR, A., ROGAUME, C., et ZOULALIAN, A., « Low temperature pyrolysis of wood waste containing urea-formaldehyde resin », Renewable energy, vol. 33, nᵒ 4, 2008.
P. NAVARRETE, PIZZI, A., TAPIN-LINGUA, S., BENJELLOUN-MLAYAH, B., PASCH, H., RODE, K., DELMOTTE, L., et RIGOLET, S., « Low formaldehyde emitting biobased wood adhesives manufactured from mixtures of tannin and glyoxalated lignin », J.Adh.Sci.Technol, vol. 26, 2012.
G. NGUILA-INARI, PETRISSANS, M., DUMARCAY, S., LAMBERT, J., EHRHARDT, J. J., ERNEK, M. Š., et GERARDIN, P., « Limitation of XPS for analysis of wood species containing high amounts of lipophilic extractives », Wood Sci. Technol., vol. 45, nᵒ 2, 2011.
G. NGUILA-INARI, PETRISSANS, M., DUMARCAY, S., LAMBERT, J., EHRHARDT, J. J., GERARDIN, P., et SERNEK, M., « Limitation of XPS for analysis of wood species containing high amounts of lipophilic extractives », Wood Science and Technology, vol. 45, 2011.
F. SANTIAGO-MEDINA, FOYER, G., PIZZI, A., CAILLOL, S., et DELMOTTE, L., «  Lignin-derived non-toxic aldehydes for ecofriendly tannin adhesives for wood panels  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES , vol. 70, p. 239-248, 2016.
J. F. VIVO-VILCHES, CELZARD, A., FIERRO, V., ZIEGLER-DEVIN, I., BROSSE, N., DUFOUR, A., et ETIENNE, M., «  Lignin-Based Carbon Nanofibers as Electrodes for Vanadium Redox Couple Electrochemistry  », NANOMATERIALS, vol. 9, 2019.
R. DJEBALI, PATEYRON, B., et EL-GANAOUI, M., « A lattice Boltzmann based investigation of powder in-flight characteristics during APS process, Part II : Effects of parameter dispersions at powder injection.  », Surface & Coatings Technology, vol. 220, 2013.
