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Journal Article
M. VILLAIN-GAMBIER, COURBALAY, M., KLEM, A., DUMARCAY, S., et TREBOUET, D., «  Recovery of lignin and lignans enriched fractions from thermomechanical pulp mill process water through membrane separation technology: Pilot-plant study and techno-economic assessment  », JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION , vol. 249, 2020.
C. DEL-MENEZZI, AMIROU, S., PIZZI, A., XI, X. D., et DELMOTTE, L., «  Reactions with Wood Carbohydrates and Lignin of Citric Acid as a Bond Promoter of Wood Veneer Panels  », POLYMERS , vol. 10, 2018.
C. DEL-MENEZZI, AMIROU, S., PIZZI, A., XI, X. D., et DELMOTTE, L., «  Reactions with Wood Carbohydrates and Lignin of Citric Acid as a Bond Promoter of Wood Veneer Panels  », POLYMERS , vol. 10, 2018.
A. PIZZI, SZCZUREL, A., DELMOTTE, L., et CERLZARD, A., « Reaction mechanism of hydroxymethylated resorcinol adhesion enhancer with polyurethane adhesives in wood bonding », J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., vol. 24, nᵒ 8, 2010.
A. DUPLEIX, OULD-AHMEDOU, S., BLÉRON, L., ROSSI, F., et HUGUES, M., « Rational production of veneer by IR-heating of green wood during peeling: Modelling experiments », Holzforschung, vol. 67, nᵒ 1, 2012.
M. BRENNAN, FRITSCH, C., COSGUN, S., DUMARCAY, S., COLIN, F., et GERARDIN, P., «  Quantitative and qualitative composition of bark polyphenols changes longitudinally with bark maturity in Abies alba Mill.  », ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE , vol. 77, 2020.
Z. KEBBI-BENKEDER, COLIN, F., DUMARCAY, S., et GERARDIN, P., « Quantification and characterization of knotwood extractives of 12 European softwood and hardwood species », Ann. For. Sci, vol. 72(2), p. 277-284, 2015.
P. GIRODS, DUFOUR, A., ROGAUME, Y., ROGAUME, C., et ZOULALIAN, A., « Pyrolysis of wood waste containing urea-formaldehyde and melamine-formaldehyde resins », Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 1, nᵒ 1, 2008.
F. J. SANTIAGO-MEDINA, TENORIO-ALFONSO, A., DELGADO-SANCHEZ, C., BASSO, M. C., PIZZI, A., CELZARD, A., FIERRO, V., SANCHEZ, M. C., et FRANCO, J. M., «  Projectable tannin foams by mechanical and chemical expansion  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 120, p. 90-96, 2018.
J. ZHANG, LUO, H., PIZZI, A., DU, G., et DENG, S., «  Preparation and Characterization of Grinding Wheels Based on a Bioresin Matrix and Glass Sand Abrasives  », BIORESOURCES , vol. 10, p. 5369-5380, 2015.
J. ZHANG, LUO, H., PIZZI, A., DU, G., et DENG, S., «  Preparation and Characterization of Grinding Wheels Based on a Bioresin Matrix and Glass Sand Abrasives  », BIORESOURCES , vol. 10, p. 5369-5380, 2015.
X. Y. CHEN, XI, X. D., PIZZI, A., FREDON, E., ZHOU, X. J., LI, J. X., GERARDIN, C., et DU, G. B., «  Preparation and Characterization of Condensed Tannin Non-Isocyanate Polyurethane (NIPU) Rigid Foams by Ambient Temperature Blowing  », POLYMERS, vol. 12, 2020.
C. CAEL, DESHARNAIS, L., DUMARCAY, S., STEBE, M. J., DELAGOUTTE, T., KLEM, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Prediction of breaks caused by lipophilic extractives using on-line turbidity measurement », Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 27, nᵒ 5, 2012.
C. CAEL, DESHARNAIS, L., DUMARCAY, S., STEBE, M. J., DELAGOUTTE, T., KLEM, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Prediction of breaks caused by lipophilic extractives using on-line turbidity measurement », Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 27, nᵒ 5, 2012.
C. CAEL, DESHARNAIS, L., DUMARCAY, S., STEBE, M. J., DELAGOUTTE, T., KLEM, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Prediction of breaks caused by lipophilic extractives using on-line turbidity measurement », Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 27, nᵒ 5, 2012.
C. GANNE-CHEDEVILLE, DUCHANOIS, G., PIZZI, A., LEBAN, J. M., et PICHELIN, F., « Predicting the thermal behaviour of wood during linear welding using the finite element method », J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., vol. 22, 2008.
N. BILOT, SAINT-ANDRE, L., ROGAUME, Y., BRECHET, C., AUGUSTO, L., DUPOND, C., BODINEAU, G., et DELEUZE, C., « Predicting higher heating values of wood from forest biomass nutrient content.  », Forest Ecology and Management , 2014.
N. BILOT, SAINT-ANDRE, L., ROGAUME, Y., BRECHET, C., AUGUSTO, L., DUPOND, C., BODINEAU, G., et DELEUZE, C., « Predicting higher heating values of wood from forest biomass nutrient content.  », Forest Ecology and Management , 2014.
C. SKARBEK, LESUEUR, L., CHAPUIS, H., DEROUSSENT, A., PIOCHE-DURIEUR, C., DAVILLE, A., CARON, J., RIVARD, M., MARTENS, T., BERTRAND, J. R., LE-CAM, E., VASSAL, G., COUVREUR, P., DESMAELE, D., et PACI, A., « Preactivated Oxazaphosphorines designed for isophosphoramide mustard delivery as bulk form or nanoassemblies: synthesis and proof of concept.  », J. Med. Chem, 2014.
C. SKARBEK, LESUEUR, L., CHAPUIS, H., DEROUSSENT, A., PIOCHE-DURIEUR, C., DAVILLE, A., CARON, J., RIVARD, M., MARTENS, T., BERTRAND, J. R., LE-CAM, E., VASSAL, G., COUVREUR, P., DESMAELE, D., et PACI, A., « Preactivated Oxazaphosphorines designed for isophosphoramide mustard delivery as bulk form or nanoassemblies: synthesis and proof of concept.  », J. Med. Chem, 2014.
C. SKARBEK, LESUEUR, L., CHAPUIS, H., DEROUSSENT, A., PIOCHE-DURIEUR, C., DAVILLE, A., CARON, J., RIVARD, M., MARTENS, T., BERTRAND, J. R., LE-CAM, E., VASSAL, G., COUVREUR, P., DESMAELE, D., et PACI, A., « Preactivated Oxazaphosphorines designed for isophosphoramide mustard delivery as bulk form or nanoassemblies: synthesis and proof of concept.  », J. Med. Chem, 2014.
R. DJEBALI, El-GANAOUI, M., et PATEYRON, B., « Prandtl number signature on flow Patterns of electrically conducting fluid in square enclosure. », CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 8, nᵒ 4, 2012.
V. ROHDE, HAHN, T., WAGNER, M., BORINGER, S., TUBKE, B., BROSSE, N., DAHMEN, N., et SCHMIEDL, D., «  Potential of a short rotation coppice poplar as a feedstock for platform chemicals and lignin-based building blocks  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 123, p. 698-706, 2018.
F. J. SANTIAGO-MEDINA, BASSO, M. C., PIZZI, A., et DELMOTTE, L., «  Polyurethanes from Kraft Lignin without Using Isocyanates  », JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE MATERIALS , vol. 6, p. 413-425, 2018.
M. THEBAULT, PIZZI, A., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., FREDON, E., et DELMOTTE, L., « Polyurethanes from hydrolydsable tannins obtained without using isocyanates », Ind.Crops & Prod., vol. 59, 2014.
