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J. DAMAY, FREDON, E., LEMMENS, P., et GERARDIN, P., « Evaluation of axial impregnation as an alternative to classical wood vacuum pressure impregnation method. », Maderas-Cienc Tecnol, vol. 17(4), p. 883 - 892, 2015.
M. DAOUD, BENTURKI, O., KECIRA, Z., GIRODS, P., et DONNOT, A., «  Removal of reactive dye (BEZAKTIV Red S-MAX) from aqueous solution by adsorption onto activated carbons prepared from date palm rachis and jujube stones  », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS , vol. 243, p. 799-809, 2017.
W. DARMAWAN, HERLIYANA, E. N., GAYATRI, A., DUMASARI, D., HASANUSI, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Microbial growths and checking on acrylic painted tropical woods and their static bending after three years of natural weathering », JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T , vol. 8, p. 3495-3503, 2019.
M. K. DAZMIRI, KIAMAHALLEH, M. V., DORIEH, A., et PIZZI, A., «  Effect of the initial F/U molar ratio in urea-formaldehyde resins synthesis and its influence on the performance of medium density fiberboard bonded with them  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES , vol. 95, 2019.
L. A. DE-MACEDO, COMMANDRE, J. M., ROUSSET, P., VALETTE, J., et PETRISSANS, M., «  Influence of potassium carbonate addition on the condensable species released during wood torrefaction  », FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY , vol. 169, p. 248-257, 2018.
M. DEBAL, GIRODS, P., LEMONON, J., et ROGAUME, Y., « TG-FTIR kinetic study of the thermal cleaning of wood laminated flooring waste.  », Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 118, nᵒ 1, 2014.
M. DEBAL, GIRODS, P., LEMONON, J., MEYER, N., TILLOY, C., DONNOT, A., et ROGAUME, Y., « CO2 adsorption capacities of active chars prepared from wood laminated flooring wate », International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics, 2014.
C. DEL-MENEZZI, AMIROU, S., PIZZI, A., XI, X. D., et DELMOTTE, L., «  Reactions with Wood Carbohydrates and Lignin of Citric Acid as a Bond Promoter of Wood Veneer Panels  », POLYMERS , vol. 10, 2018.
C. DELGADO-SANCHEZ, LETELLIER, M., FIERRO, V., CHAPUIS, H., GERARDIN, C., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., «  Hydrophobisation of tannin-based foams by covalent grafting of silanes  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 92, p. 116-126, 2016.
C. DELGADO-SANCHEZ, SANTIAGO-MEDINA, F., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., «  Optimisation of "green" tannin-furanic foams for thermal insulation by experimental design  », MATERIALS & DESIGN , vol. 139, p. 7-15, 2018.
C. DELGADO-SANCHEZ, SARAZIN, J., SANTIAGO-MEDINA, F. J., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., BOURBIGOT, S., et CELZARD, A., «  Impact of the formulation of biosourced phenolic foams on their fire properties  », POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY , vol. 153, p. 1-14, 2018.
C. DELGADO-SANCHEZ, FIERRO, V., LI, S., PASC, A., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., «  Stability analysis of tannin-based foams using multiple light-scattering measurements  », EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL , vol. 87, p. 318-330, 2017.
C. DELGADO-SANCHEZ, SANTIAGO-MEDINA, F. J., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., «  Destructive vs. non-destructive methods for the mechanical characterisation of tannin-based thermoset foams  », POLYMER TESTING , vol. 69, p. 332-339, 2018.
C. DELGADO-SANCHEZ, AMARAL-LABAT, G., GRISHECHKO, L. I., SANCHEZ-SANCHEZ, A., FIERRO, V., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., «  Fire-resistant tannin-ethylene glycol gels working as rubber springs with tuneable elastic properties  », JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , vol. 5, p. 14720-14732, 2017.
L. DELMOTTE, MANSOURI, H. R., OMRANI, P., et PIZZI, A., « Influence of wood welding frequency on wood constituents chemical modifications », J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., vol. 23, 2009.
L. DELMOTTE, GANNE-CHEDEVILLE, C., LEBAN, J. M., PIZZI, A., et PICHELIN, F., « CP-MAS 13C NMR and FTIR investigation of the degradation reactions of polymer constituents in wood welding », Polymer Degrad. & Stabil., vol. 93, 2008.
L. - E. DENAUD, BLÉRON, L., EYMA, F., et MARCHAL, R., « Wood peeling process monitoring: a comparison of signal processing method to estimate veneer average lathe check frequency », European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, vol. 70, nᵒ 1, 2012.
S. DENG, PIZZI, A., DU, G., LAGEL, M. C., DELMOTTE, L., et ABDALLA, S., «  Synthesis, structure characterization and application of melamine-glyoxal adhesive resins  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 76, p. 283-296, 2018.
S. DENG, PIZZI, A., DU, G., ZHANG, J., et ZHANG, J., « Synthesis and chemical structure of a novel glyoxal-urea-formaldehyde (GUF) co-condensed resins with different MMU/G molar ratios by 13CNMR and MALDI-TOF-MS. », J. Appl. Polym. Sciences, 2014.
S. DENG, DU, G., LI, X., et PIZZI, A., « Performance and reaction mechanism of Zero formaldehyde-emission urea flyoxal (UG) resin. », J. Taiwan Inst. Chem Engineers, vol. 45, nᵒ 4, 2014.
R. C. DEPTULSKI, MNASRI, F., EL-GANAOUI, M., et BENNACER, R., «  Morphological Approach for Nonlinear Flow and Heat Transfer in Complex Bio-Composite Material  », HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING , vol. 40, p. 1486-1497, 2019.
A. DEROY, SAIAG, F., KEBBI-BENKEDER, Z., TOUAHRI, N., HECKER, A., MOREL-ROUHIER, M., COLIN, F., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., et GELHAYE, E., « The GSTome reflects the chemical environment of white-rot fungi. ». 2015.
A. DESPRES, PIZZI, A., VU, C., et PASCH, H., « Formaldehyde-free aminoresin wood adhesives based on dimethoxyethanal », J. Appl. Polymer Sci., vol. 110, nᵒ 6, 2008.
A. DESPRES, PIZZI, A., PASCH, H., et KANDELBAUER, A., « Comparative 13C NMR and MALDI-TOF of species variation and structure maintenance during MUF resins preparation », J. Appl. Polymer Sci., vol. 106, nᵒ 2, 2007.
A. DESPRES, PIZZI, A., VU, C., et DELMOTTE, L., « Colourless formaldehyde-free urea resin adhesives for wood panels », Eur. J. Wood Wood Prod., vol. 68, nᵒ 1, 2010.
