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Journal Article
Y. LEBRECH, DELMOTTE, L., RAYA, J., BROSSE, N., GADIOU, R., et DUFOUR, A., « Resolution solid state 2D NMR analysis of biomass and biochar  », Analytical Chemistry , vol. 87, nᵒ 2, 2015.
A. DUFOUR, WENG, J., JIA, L., TANG, X., FOURNET, R., BROSSE, N., SIRJEAN, B., MAUVIEL, G., et QI, F., « Revealing the chemistry of biomass thermal conversion by means of tunable synchrotron ionisation - mass spectrometry », RCS Advances, vol. 3, 2013.
T. PERROT, SALZET, G., AMUSANT, N., BEAUCHENE, J., GERARDIN, P., DUMARCAY, S., SORMANI, R., MOREL-ROUHIER, M., et GELHAYE, E., «  A reverse chemical ecology approach to explore wood natural durability  », MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY , 2020.
S. EL-BAKALI, YAGI, S., MERLIN, A., et DEGLISE, X., « A Screening Study of Natural Color of Wood from Different Geographical Regions », Research Journal of Forestry, vol. 5, nᵒ 4, 2011.
R. DJEBALI, PATEYRON, B., et M. GANAOUI, E., «  Scrutiny of plasma spraying complexities with case study on the optimized conditions toward coating process control  », CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING , vol. 6, p. 171-181, 2015.
R. DJEBALI, EL-GANAOUI, M., JAOUABI, A., et PATEYRON, B., «  Scrutiny of spray jet and impact characteristics under dispersion effects of powder injection parameters in APS process  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES , vol. 100, p. 229-239, 2016.
X. ZHOU, ESSAWY, H. A., PIZZI, A., ZHANG, J., PASCH, H., et DU, G., « Second generation of dendritic poly(amidoaldehyde) as modifying components of melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) adhesive: subsequent use in particleboard production.  », J. Polymer Research, vol. 21, 2014.
B. CLUET, MAUVIEL, G., ROGAUME, Y., AUTHIER, O., et DELEBARRE, A., «  Segregation of wood particles in a bubbling fluidized bed  », FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY , vol. 133, p. 80-88, 2015.
B. CLUET, MAUVIEL, G., ROGAUME, Y., AUTHIER, O., et DELABARRE, A., « Segregation of wood particles in a bubbling fuidized bed. », Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 133, 2014.
F. MBURU, SIRMAH, P., MUISU, F., DUMARCAY, S., et GERARDIN, P., « Selected wood properties of Prunus Africana (Hook) grown in Kenya as possible reasons for its high natural durability.  », Drvna Industrija, vol. 64, nᵒ 1, 2013.
Y. MATHIEU, GELHAYE, E., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., HARVENGT, L., et BUEE, M., « Selection and validation of enzymatic activities as functional markers in wood biotechnology and fungal ecology », Journal of Microbiological Methods , vol. 92, 2013.
M. OUDJENE, BEN-AYED, L., DELAMEZIERE, A., et BATOZ, J. L., « Shape optimization of clinching tools using the response surface methodology with Moving Least-Square approximation. », Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 109, nᵒ 1, 2009.
R. DJEBALI, EL-GANAOUI, M., PATEYRON, B., et SAMMOUDA, H., « Simulation and modeling of turbulent plasma jet based on axisymetric LBGK model », Defect and Diffusion Forum, vol. 312-315, 2011.
A. S. FELTEN, VANDERESSE, R., BROSSE, N., DIDIERJEAN, C., et JAMART-GREGOIRE, B., « Solid phase synthesis of N-aminodipeptides in high optical purity », Tetrahedron Lett., vol. 49, 2008.
E. MEUX, PROSPER, P., MASAI, E., MULLIERT, G., DUMARCAY, S., MOREL, M., DIDIERJEAN, C., GELHAYE, E., et FAVIER, F., « Sphingobium sp. SYK-6 LigG involved in lignin degradation is structurally and biochemically related to the glutathione transferase omega class », FEBS Letters , vol. 586, 2012.
E. MEUX, PROSPER, P., MASAI, E., MULLIERT, G., DUMARCAY, S., MOREL, M., DIDIERJEAN, C., GELHAYE, E., et FAVIER, F., « Sphingobium sp. SYK-6 LigG involved in lignin degradation is structurally and biochemically related to the glutathione transferase omega class », FEBS Letters , vol. 586, 2012.
D. LATHUILLIERE, POP, O., BLÉRON, L., DUBOIS, F., FOUCHAL, F., et BOCQUET, J. F., «  Spreading of transverse compressive stresses in glued laminated timber  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 73, p. 475-484, 2015.
X. DURET, FREDON, E., GERARDIN, P., et MASSON, E., « Spruce bark hydrolysis to optimize phenolic content », Cellulose Chem. Technol., vol. 46, nᵒ 9-10, 2012.
C. DELGADO-SANCHEZ, FIERRO, V., LI, S., PASC, A., PIZZI, A., et CELZARD, A., «  Stability analysis of tannin-based foams using multiple light-scattering measurements  », EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL , vol. 87, p. 318-330, 2017.
I. EL-BAKALI, YAGI, S., MERLIN, A., et DEGLISE, X., « Study of Natural Colour of wood form different geographical regions », Research Journal of Forestry, vol. 5, nᵒ 4, 2011.
J. - B. SAHA-TCHINDA, PETRISSANS, A., MOLINA, S., NDIKONTAR, M. - K., MOUGUENGUI, S., DUMARCAY, S., et GERARDIN, P., « Study of the feasibility of a natural dye on cellulosic textile supports by red padouk (Pterocarpus soyauxii) and yellow movingui (Distemonanthus benthamianus) extracts.  », Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 60, 2014.
M. I. P. PENA, DEUTSCHLE, A. L., SAAKE, B., PIZZI, A., et PICHELIN, F., «  Study of the solubility and composition of welded wood material at progressive welding times  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 74, p. 191-201, 2016.
P. NAVARRETE, PIZZI, A., PASCH, H., et DELMOTTE, L., « Study on Lignin-Glyoxal reaction by MALDI-TOF and CP-MAS 13C NMR », J.Adh.Sci.Technol, vol. 26, 2012.
P. DUBS, KHALIJ, M., BENELMIR, R., et TAZIBT, A., « Study on the dynamical characteristics of a supersonic high pressure ratio underexpanded impinging ideal gas jet through numerical simulations », Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 38, nᵒ 3, 2011.
X. Y. CHEN, DU, G. B., PIZZI, A., et XI, X., «  Superhydrophobic and Superoleophilic Fiber from Waste Bamboo Processing Residues for Oil/water Selective Separation  », JOURNAL OF WOOD CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY , vol. 40, p. 58-72, 2019.
