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C. DIDIERJEAN, BROSSE, N., BODIGUEL, J., et JAMART-GREGOIRE, B., « Di-tert-butyl 2-benzoylhydrazine-1,1-dicarboxylate », Acta Crystallographica, Section E, vol. E64, nᵒ 1, 2008.
C. DIDIERJEAN, BROSSE, N., BODIGUEL, J., et JAMART-GREGOIRE, B., « Di-ter-butyl 2-benzoyl-hydrazine-1,1-dicarboxylate », Acta Crystallographica, Section E, vol. 64, nᵒ 1, 2007.
R. DJEBALI, PATEYRON, B., et El-GANAOUI, M., « A lattice Boltzman based investigation of powder in-flight characteristics during APS process, Part I : Modelling and Validation », Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, vol. 12, nᵒ 4, 2012.
R. DJEBALI, EL-GANAOUI, M., JAOUABI, A., et PATEYRON, B., «  Scrutiny of spray jet and impact characteristics under dispersion effects of powder injection parameters in APS process  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES , vol. 100, p. 229-239, 2016.
R. DJEBALI, El-GANAOUI, M., et PATEYRON, B., « Prandtl number signature on flow Patterns of electrically conducting fluid in square enclosure. », CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 8, nᵒ 4, 2012.
R. DJEBALI, EL-GANAOUI, M., PATEYRON, B., et SAMMOUDA, H., « Simulation and modeling of turbulent plasma jet based on axisymetric LBGK model », Defect and Diffusion Forum, vol. 312-315, 2011.
R. DJEBALI, PATEYRON, B., et EL-GANAOUI, M., « A lattice Boltzmann based investigation of powder in-flight characteristics during APS process, Part II : Effects of parameter dispersions at powder injection.  », Surface & Coatings Technology, vol. 220, 2013.
R. DJEBALI et EL-GANAOUI, M., « Assessment and computational improvement of thermal lattice Boltzmann models based Benchmark computations. », CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Science, vol. 71, nᵒ 3, 2011.
R. DJEBALI, PATEYRON, B., et M. GANAOUI, E., «  Scrutiny of plasma spraying complexities with case study on the optimized conditions toward coating process control  », CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING , vol. 6, p. 171-181, 2015.
R. DJEBALI, EL-GANAOUI, M., et NAFFOUTI, T., « A 2D LATTICE Boltzmann full analysis of MHD convective heat transfer in saturated porous square enclosure », CMES Tech. Science Press, vol. 84, nᵒ 6, 2012.
R. DJEDJIG, BOZONNET, E., et BELARBI, R., «  Analysis of thermal effects of vegetated envelopes: Integration of a validated model in a building energy simulation program  », ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , vol. 86, p. 93-103, 2015.
R. DJEDJIG, EL-GANAOUI, M., BELARBI, R., et BENNACER, R., «  Thermal effects of an innovative green wall on building energy performance  », MECHANICS & INDUSTRY , vol. 18, 2017.
R. DJEDJIG, BOZONNET, E., et BELARBI, R., «  Modeling green wall interactions with street canyons for building energy simulation in urban context  », URBAN CLIMATE , vol. 16, p. 75-85, 2016.
R. DJEDJIG, BELARBI, R., et BOZONNET, E., «  Experimental study of green walls impacts on buildings in summer and winter under an oceanic climate  », ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , vol. 150, p. 403-411, 2017.
A. DORIEH, MAHMOODI, N., MAMAGHANI, M., PIZZI, A., et ZEYDI, M. M., «  Comparison of the properties of urea-formaldehyde resins by the use of formalin or urea formaldehyde condensates  », JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , vol. 32, p. 2537-2551, 2018.
A. DORIEH, MAHMOODI, N. O., MAMAGHANI, M., PIZZI, A., ZEYDI, M. M., et MOSLEMI, A., «  New insight into the use of latent catalysts for the synthesis of urea formaldehyde adhesives and the mechanical properties of medium density fiberboards bonded with them  », EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL , vol. 112, p. 195-205, 2019.
A. DORIEH, MAHMOODI, N. O., MAMAGHANI, M., PIZZI, A., et ZEYDI, M. M., «  Effect of different acids during the synthesis of urea-formaldehyde adhesives and the mechanical properties of medium-density fiberboards bonded with them  », JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE , vol. 136, 2019.
M. DRIOUCHE, REZOUG, T., et EL-GANAOUI, M., «  Numerical study of the melting and resolidification of the substrate during the impact of a ceramic droplet in a plasma spraying process star  », EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS , vol. 88, 2020.
S. DROVOU, KASSEGNE, K. A., KADJA, K., KOUTSAWA, Y., et SANDA, K., « Effect of granulometry and binder rate on the physical, thermal and mechanical properties of Africa antiaris sawdust particleboard made with the tannic powder of African locust been pod husk (Parkia biglobosa) and the India tamarin peel », JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF WOOD SCIENCE , vol. 16, p. 94-102, 2019.
S. DROVOU, PIZZI, A., LACOSTE, C., ZHANG, J. Z., ABDULLA, S., et EL-MARZOUKI, F. M., «  Flavonoid tannins linked to long carbohydrate chains - MALDI-TOF analysis of the tannin extract of the African locust bean shells  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 67, p. 25-32, 2015.
G. DU, LEI, H., PIZZI, A., et PASCH, H., « Synthesis-Structure-Performance relationship of cocondensed phenol-urea-formaldehyde resins by MALDI-TOF and 13C NMR », J. Appl. Polymer Sci., vol. 110, nᵒ 2, 2008.
H. DU, LV, P., AYOUZ, M., BESSERER, A., et PERRE, P., «  Morphological Characterization and Quantification of the Mycelial Growth of the Brown-Rot Fungus Postia placenta for Modeling Purposes  », PLOS ONE , vol. 11, 2016.
P. DUBS, KHALIJ, M., BENELMIR, R., et TAZIBT, A., « Study on the dynamical characteristics of a supersonic high pressure ratio underexpanded impinging ideal gas jet through numerical simulations », Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 38, nᵒ 3, 2011.
A. DUFOUR, CELZARD, C., FIERRO, V., MARTIN, E., BROUST, F., et ZOULALIAN, A., « Catalytic decomposiition of methane over a wood char concurrently activated by a pyrolysis gas », Applied Catalysis: General, vol. 346, nᵒ 1-2, 2008.
A. DUFOUR, CELZARD, A., FIERRO, V., BROUST, F., COURSON, C., ZOULALIAN, A., et ROUZAUD, J. N., «  Catalytic conversion of methane over a biomass char for hydrogen production: deactivation and regeneration by steam gasification  », APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL , vol. 490, p. 170-180, 2015.
