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Journal Article
K. CANDELIER, HANNOUZ, S., ELAIEB, M., COLLET, R., DUMARCAY, S., PETRISSANS, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Utilization of temperature kinetic as prediction's way of a method to predict treatment intensity and corresponding wood properties of thermally modified », Maderas-Cienc Tecnol, p. 253-262, 2015.
A. THUILLIER, CHIBANI, K., BELLI, G., HERRERO, E., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., KOHLER, A., DEROY, A., DHALLEINE, T., BCHINI, R., JACQUOT, J. P., GELHAYE, E., et MOREL-ROUHIER, M., « Transcriptomic responses of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to wood extractives: focus on a new glutathione transferase.  », Appl. Environ. Microbiol. , vol. 80, nᵒ 20, 2014.
S. MOUNGUENGUI, TCHINDA, J. B. S., NDIKONTAR, M. K., DUMARCAY, S., ATTEKE, C., PERRIN, D., GELHAYE, E., et GERARDIN, P., «  Total phenolic and lignin contents, phytochemical screening, antioxidant and fungal inhibition properties of the heartwood extractives of ten Congo Basin tree species  », ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE , vol. 73, p. 287-296, 2016.
K. CANDELIER, DUMARCAY, S., PETRISSANS, A., PETRISSANS, M., KAMDEM, P., et GERARDIN, P., « Thermodesorption coupled to GC-MS to characterize volatiles formation kinetic during wood thermodegradation. », Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol. 101, 2013.
E. MEUX, PROSPER, P., MASAI, E., MULLIERT, G., DUMARCAY, S., MOREL, M., DIDIERJEAN, C., GELHAYE, E., et FAVIER, F., « Sphingobium sp. SYK-6 LigG involved in lignin degradation is structurally and biochemically related to the glutathione transferase omega class », FEBS Letters , vol. 586, 2012.
Y. MATHIEU, GELHAYE, E., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., HARVENGT, L., et BUEE, M., « Selection and validation of enzymatic activities as functional markers in wood biotechnology and fungal ecology », Journal of Microbiological Methods , vol. 92, 2013.
F. MBURU, SIRMAH, P., MUISU, F., DUMARCAY, S., et GERARDIN, P., « Selected wood properties of Prunus Africana (Hook) grown in Kenya as possible reasons for its high natural durability.  », Drvna Industrija, vol. 64, nᵒ 1, 2013.
T. PERROT, SALZET, G., AMUSANT, N., BEAUCHENE, J., GERARDIN, P., DUMARCAY, S., SORMANI, R., MOREL-ROUHIER, M., et GELHAYE, E., «  A reverse chemical ecology approach to explore wood natural durability  », MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY , 2020.
M. MUBAROK, MILITZ, H., DARMAWAN, I. W., HADI, Y. S., DUMARCAY, S., et GERARDIN, P., «  Resistance against subterranean termite of beech wood impregnated with different derivatives of glycerol or polyglycerol and maleic anhydride followed by thermal modification: a field test study  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 78, p. 387-392, 2020.
C. S. A. B. BOPENGA, DUMARCAY, S., ENGONGA, P. E., et GERARDIN, P., «  Relationships between chemical composition and decay durability of Coula edulis Baill as an alternative wood species in Gabon  », WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , vol. 54, p. 329-348, 2020.
M. VILLAIN-GAMBIER, COURBALAY, M., KLEM, A., DUMARCAY, S., et TREBOUET, D., «  Recovery of lignin and lignans enriched fractions from thermomechanical pulp mill process water through membrane separation technology: Pilot-plant study and techno-economic assessment  », JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION , vol. 249, 2020.
M. BRENNAN, FRITSCH, C., COSGUN, S., DUMARCAY, S., COLIN, F., et GERARDIN, P., «  Quantitative and qualitative composition of bark polyphenols changes longitudinally with bark maturity in Abies alba Mill.  », ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE , vol. 77, 2020.
Z. KEBBI-BENKEDER, COLIN, F., DUMARCAY, S., et GERARDIN, P., « Quantification and characterization of knotwood extractives of 12 European softwood and hardwood species », Ann. For. Sci, vol. 72(2), p. 277-284, 2015.
C. CAEL, DESHARNAIS, L., DUMARCAY, S., STEBE, M. J., DELAGOUTTE, T., KLEM, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Prediction of breaks caused by lipophilic extractives using on-line turbidity measurement », Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, vol. 27, nᵒ 5, 2012.
A. WIJAYANTO, DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, C., KARTIKA-SARI, R., SYAF, II, W., et GERARDIN, P., « Phenolic and lipophilic extractives in Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vries knots and stemwood », Ind. Crop. Prod, vol. 69, p. 466-471, 2015.
M. MUBAROK, DUMARCAY, S., MILITZ, H., CANDELIER, K., THEVENON, M. F., et GERARDIN, P., «  Non-biocide antifungal and anti-termite wood preservation treatments based on combinations of thermal modification with different chemical additives  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 77, p. 1125-1136, 2019.
E. MEUX, MOREL, M., LAMANT, T., GERARDIN, P., JACQUOT, J. P., DUMARCAY, S., et GELHAYE, E., « New substrates and activity of Phanerochaete chrysosporium Omega glutathione transferases. », Biochimie, vol. 95, nᵒ 2, 2013.
M. T. ELAIEB, BEN-AYED, S., DUMARCAY, S., DE-FARIA, B. D. H., THEVENON, M. F., GERARDIN, P., et CANDELIER, K., «  Natural durability of four Tunisian Eucalyptus spp. and their respective compositions in extractives  », HOLZFORSCHUNG, vol. 74, p. 260-274, 2020.
M. SCHWARTZ, PERROT, T., AUBERT, E., DUMARCAY, S., FAVIER, F., GERARDIN, P., MOREL-ROUHIER, M., MULLIERT, G., SAIAG, F., DIDIERJEAN, C., et GELHAYE, E., «  Molecular recognition of wood polyphenols by phase II detoxification enzymes of the white rot Trametes versicolor  », SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , vol. 8, 2018.
M. NICAULT, TIDJANI, A. R., GAUTHIER, A., DUMARCAY, S., GELHAYE, E., BONTEMPS, C., et LEBLOND, P., «  Mining the Biosynthetic Potential for Specialized Metabolism of a Streptomyces Soil Community  », ANTIBIOTICS-BASEL , vol. 9, p. 271, 2020.
Z. KEBBI-BENKEDER, MANSO, R., GERARDIN, P., DUMARCAY, S., CHOPARD, B., et COLIN, F., «  Knot extractives: a model for analysing the eco-physiological factors that control the within and between-tree variability  », TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION , vol. 31, p. 1619-1633, 2017.
S. DUMARCAY, IAYCH, K., LEMOR, A., et GERARDIN, P., « Investigations on Wood Treatment by Eco-friendly Hydroxypolyurethanes », INTERNATIONAL WOOD PRODUCTS JOURNAL , vol. 6, p. 31-35, 2015.
J. B. S. TCHINDA, NDIKONTAR, M. K., BELINGA, A. D. F., MOUNGUENGUI, S., NJANKOUO, J. M., DUMARCAY, S., et GERARDIN, P., «  Inhibition of fungi with wood extractives and natural durability of five Cameroonian wood species  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 123, p. 183-191, 2018.
M. ELAIEB, CANDELIER, K., PETRISSANS, A., DUMARCAY, S., GERARDIN, P., et PETRISSANS, M., « Heat treatment of Tunisian soft wood species: effect on the durability, chemical modifications and mechanical properties. », Maderas-Cienc Tecnol, vol. 17(4), p. 699 - 710, 2015.
S. C. CHEPKWONY, DUMARCAY, S., CHAPUIS, H., KIPROP, A., GERARDIN, P., et GERARDIN-CHARBONNIER, C., «  Geographic and intraspecific variability of mesquitol amounts in Prosopis juliflora trees from Kenya  », EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS , vol. 78, p. 801-809, 2020.
