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A. BENAISSA, CHERFIA, R., CANABADY-ROCHELLE, L., PERRIN, D., CHAIMBAULT, P., BOUHELASSA, M., et CHAOUCHE, N. K., «  Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Potentials of Retama Sphaerocarpa.  », RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES , vol. 7, p. 219-226, 2016.
M. C. LAGEL, HAI, L., PIZZI, A., BASSO, M. C., DELMOTTE, L., ABDALLA, S., ZAHED, A., et AL-MARZOUKI, F. M., «  Automotive brake pads made with a bioresin matrix  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 85, p. 372-381, 2016.
M. H. HUSSIN, RAHIM, A. A., IBRAHIM, M. N. M., et BROSSE, N., «  The capability of ultrafiltrated alkaline and organosolv oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) fronds lignin as green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 0.5 M HCl solution  », MEASUREMENT , vol. 78, p. 90-103, 2016.
Y. LE-BRECH, RAYA, J., DELMOTTE, L., BROSSE, N., GADIOU, R., et DUFOUR, A., «  Characterization of biomass char formation investigated by advanced solid state NMR  », CARBON , vol. 108, p. 165-177, 2016.
R. BOHM, HAUPTMANN, M., PIZZI, A., FRIEDRICH, C., et LABORIE, M. P., «  The chemical, kinetic and mechanical characterization of tannin-based adhesives with different crosslinking systems  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES , vol. 68, p. 1-8, 2016.
Y. LE-BRECH, GHISLAIN, T., LECLERC, S., BOUROUKBA, M., DELMOTTE, L., BROSSE, N., SNAPE, C., CHAIMBAULT, P., et DUFOUR, A., «  Effect of Potassium on the Mechanisms of Biomass Pyrolysis Studied using Complementary Analytical Techniques  », CHEMSUSCHEM , vol. 9, p. 863-872, 2016.
Y. LE-BRECH, GHISLAIN, T., LECLERC, S., BOUROUKBA, M., DELMOTTE, L., BROSSE, N., SNAPE, C., CHAIMBAULT, P., et DUFOUR, A., «  Effect of Potassium on the Mechanisms of Biomass Pyrolysis Studied using Complementary Analytical Techniques  », CHEMSUSCHEM , vol. 9, p. 863-872, 2016.
C. SEGOVIA, SAUGET, A., BESSERER, A., KUENY, R., et PIZZI, A., «  Evaluating mold growth in tannin-resin and flax fiber biocomposites  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 83, p. 438-443, 2016.
I. TAHRI, DEVIN, I. Z., RUELLE, J., SEGOVIA, C., et BROSSE, N., «  Extraction and Characterization of Fibers from Palm Tree  », BIORESOURCES , vol. 11, p. 7016-7025, 2016.
A. MOREL, MANTRAND, N., BELAID, S., LOPEZ, M., CHEREAU, D., DEMAILLE, C., PAILLER, S., VALTER, F., GALET, O., GUEGUEN, J., KAPEL, R., PIZZI, A., et GARRIGUE, F., «  Ground plant meal potential market, functional properties and applications  », OCL-OILSEEDS AND FATS CROPS AND LIPIDS , vol. 23, 2016.
M. C. BASSO, PIZZI, A., AL-MARZOUKI, F., et ABDALLA, S., «  Horticultural/hydroponics and floral natural foams from tannins  », INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS , vol. 87, p. 177-181, 2016.
M. Y. FERROUKHI, DJEDJIG, R., LIMAM, K., et BELARBI, R., «  Hygrothermal behavior modeling of the hygroscopic envelopes of buildings: A dynamic co-simulation approach  », BUILDING SIMULATION , vol. 9, p. 501-512, 2016.
G. RANGEL, CHAPUIS, H., BASSO, M. C., PIZZI, A., DELGADO-SANCHEZ, C., FIERRO, V., CELZARD, A., et GERARDIN-CHARBONNIER, C., «  Improving Water Repellence and Friability of Tannin-Furanic Foams by Oil-Grafted Flavonoid Tannins  », BIORESOURCES, vol. 11, p. 7754-7768, 2016.
M. KRIFA, EL-MESHRI, S. E., BENTOUATI, N., PIZZI, A., SICK, E., CHEKIR-GHEDIRA, L., et RONDE, P., «  In Vitro and In Vivo Anti-Melanoma Effects of Pituranthos tortuosus Essential Oil Via Inhibition of FAK and Src Activities  », JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY , vol. 117, p. 1167-1175, 2016.
Y. LE-BRECH, JIA, L. Y., CISSE, S., MAUVIEL, G., BROSSE, N., et DUFOUR, A., «  Mechanisms of biomass pyrolysis studied reactor with advanced gas analysis by combining a fixed bed  », JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS , vol. 117, p. 334-346, 2016.
R. DJEDJIG, BOZONNET, E., et BELARBI, R., «  Modeling green wall interactions with street canyons for building energy simulation in urban context  », URBAN CLIMATE , vol. 16, p. 75-85, 2016.
R. DJEDJIG, BOZONNET, E., et BELARBI, R., «  Modeling green wall interactions with street canyons for building energy simulation in urban context  », URBAN CLIMATE , vol. 16, p. 75-85, 2016.
M. SIMO-TAGNE, REMOND, R., ROGAUME, Y., ZOULALIAN, A., et BONOMA, B., «  Modeling, of coupled heat and mass transfer during drying of tropical woods  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES , vol. 109, p. 299-308, 2016.
H. DU, LV, P., AYOUZ, M., BESSERER, A., et PERRE, P., «  Morphological Characterization and Quantification of the Mycelial Growth of the Brown-Rot Fungus Postia placenta for Modeling Purposes  », PLOS ONE , vol. 11, 2016.
S. BAHRIA, AMIRAT, M., HAMIDAT, A., EL-GANAOUI, M., et SLIMANI, M. E., «  Parametric study of solar heating and cooling systems in different climates of Algeria - A comparison between conventional and high-energy-performance buildings  », ENERGY, vol. 113, p. 521-535, 2016.
M. H. HUSSIN, POHAN, N. A., GARBA, Z. N., KASSIM, M. J., RAHIM, A. A., BROSSE, N., YEMLOUL, M., FAZITA, M. R. N., et HAAFIZ, M. K. M., «  Physicochemical of microcrystalline cellulose from oil palm fronds as potential methylene blue adsorbents  », INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES , vol. 92, p. 11-19, 2016.
S. BOUKHANOUF, LOUAILECHE, H., et PERRIN, D., «  Phytochemical content and in vitro antioxidant activity of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) as affected by maturity stage and cooking practice  », INTERNATIONAL FOOD RESEARCH JOURNAL , vol. 23, p. 954-961, 2016.
B. THIBAUT, DENAUD, L., COLLET, R., MARCHAL, R., BEAUCHENE, J., MOTHE, F., MEAUSOONE, P. J., MARTIN, P., LARRICQ, P., et EYMA, F., «  Wood machining with a focus on French research in the last 50 years  », ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE , vol. 73, p. 163-184, 2016.
